Film ‘Rain Man’, it is not only the only Tom Cruise movie in which he is not the action hero, there’s a way, it was also one of the first movies that autism is so clearly told to a large audience.

Raymond ‘Rain Man’ Babbitt, played brilliantly by Dustin Hoffman, is not just someone with communication problems. He also has a photographic memory and taught as a half a phone book without. In addition, counts at a fast pace toothpicks, and cards.

today It is 30 years ago that the oscar-winning film from 1988 for the first time in the halls appeared, but the legacy of the picture teems with until today.


The man is an autistic savant, because he’s a genius in certain areas, but in the ordinary world is non-functioning. But are all of the spectacular skills of Raymond realistic? Nevertheless, as appears from a publication of the campuskrant KU Leuven in 2016. Rain Man autism with so-called ‘splintervaardigheid’, what are traits explains.

“Splintervaardigheid is an innate property of your brain,” says Johan Wagemans, a member of the Leuven Autism Research consortium . “People with autism often develop a very limited interests, and in people with a splintervaardigheid is even more extreme. Whether it’s toothpicks count is, or Pokémonkaarten remember – for every savant else.”

“In the case of Rain Man: Toothpicks, maps, phone numbers,… that is all in the same line of rapid information processing and high capacity memory, especially for numbers. So yes, that can go hand in hand. It would be unlikely if he is also a huge talent for drawing or music.”