Emmerdale couple in love, the actors are engaged in the new year on the doorstep.The couple fell in love with Emmerdale behind the scenes. aop

Actor Mark Jordan tells a happy marriage news on Twitter. He asked the actor to his colleague Laura Norton nearly four years of dating. Jordon describes the world’s most beautiful woman responded to his large question in the affirmative.

Norton has starred in Emmerdale series Kerry Wyatt since 2012. Duane joined the series Daz spencer’s role with the 2014. The couple fell in love with the common work.

Laura Norton starred Emmerdalessa before Jordonin joining the crew. aop

jordonin have a 21-year-old Joseph -son and 17-year-old Poppy -daughter of a previous, 17 years of marriage actor Siobhan Finneran , 52, with. The couple divorced in 2014. The children’s mother starred in Downton Abbey series lady Sarah Obrienin.

Mark Jordon has been in the headlines assault accusations. He is accused of elderly man and this woman friend of assault at a bar. aop

Jordonin is surrounded by controversy in Britain, since the men accused of involved in a violent bar fight. A man has denied assault allegations. The trial is in store for the coming summer.

Jordonin and Norton kihlauutisia was announced just moments second Emmerdale-a couple of kihlauutisia after. Actress Fiona Wade and Simon Cotton were engaged also the turn of the year.

Source: the Daily Mail.