Bizarre Gillian Genser, a 59-year-old artist, he worked for fifteen years with mussel shells. With the shells made them unique works of art. But without realizing it poisoned them herself with her art.

Each artist has a specific feature that you his or her work can recognize, a personal key, a business card, a signature so to speak. Also Gillian Genser, a sculptor from Toronto, opted for an original approach to her work. As manufactured they are all her works of art of mussels. Until they are day headaches, nausea and memory problems. All of that was due to heavy metal intoxication, a response to her personal signature.

Read also Trappistbrouwers taking environmental action: “We can not seven times a day to pray and then continue with the nature to pollute.”

Fifteen years he worked the 59-year-old artist with several types of mussel shells. That she gathered itself from, what later is heavily polluted water turned out to be. The shells of the mussels contain a high amount of heavy metals including arsenic and lead. And when the mussel shells processed, the harmful substances are released. In that way, was she fifteen years of heavy metal in without realizing it.

Lack of respect for nature
Ironic because with her work, she complained to the human lack of respect for nature. “After the world is poisoned, the world is the same with us. It is actually quite logical,” says Genser.

After the world is poisoned, the world is the same with us.

Gillian Genser, artist,

The mussels where the woman worked, were from water that was contaminated with industrial waste. And because she is fifteen years was exposed to the heavy metals they will, according to her doctors never fully recover. Her last completed work, the sculptor has the apt title: “my beautiful death”.

Heavy metal intoxication?

Almost everyone comes in daily contact with heavy metals. Even though you yourself are probably not. In cigarette smoke are for example heavy metals, in paints, medicines, toys and even in drinking water. But when a heavy metal intoxication is naturally exposed to a much larger amount.

The symptoms of such poisoning in the first place, subtle, but can after a while develop into serious diseases and disorders. Thus, symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and digestive problems soon followed by depression, infertility and elevated blood sugar levels.