The banking group BNP Paribas announced on Friday the departure of Marguerite Bérard, who had been head of retail activities in France since 2019, and member of the executive committee. “After five years as head of commercial banking in France, Marguerite Bérard is leaving her position within the group to devote herself to new professional projects,” BNP Paribas said in a press release, without specifying who would replace her. Commercial banking in France (BCEF) brings together corporate banking, private banking and retail banking activities. In 2023, BCEF made a profit of 1.19 billion euros (excluding insurance) out of the 11 billion profits posted in total by the group.

A graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies and a former student of the ENA within the Léopold Sédar Senghor promotion, like the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, Marguerite Bérard-Andrieu began her career in 2004 at the Inspectorate general of finances, before becoming from 2007 advisor to the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, responsible for employment and social protection issues. From November 2010, she then headed the office of Xavier Bertrand, then Minister of Labor, Employment and Health. In 2012, she joined the BPCE mutual banking group, where from 2016 she held the position of general manager in charge of finance, strategy and legal affairs.