TV Production company, Hotel Hungaria is working with Canvas on a documentary series created by the Belgian nature portrays. The series, which is slightly more than three million euros will cost, will focus on seven areas.

‘Our nature’ – so will the new tv documentary series called. In the eight episodes, the fauna and flora of seven nature reserves from our country exposed. It is, inter alia, to ‘het Zwin’ in Knokke, the nature park Hoge Kempen in the Hague and the forêt de Soignes in the south of Brussels. The parks are not chosen at random, says Nico van de Velde Of Hotel Hungaria. “Collaborating with a university, we are looking for a mix so different biospheres to be addressed.”

The production company would like to the same level as the well-known BBC-documentairereeksen ‘Planet Earth’, ‘Blue Planet’ or ‘Frozen Planet’. A feasible idea, think of Van de Velde. “The nature reserves in our country are easily accessible and that makes it easier to rotate. In addition, different techniques the past few years, the price has dropped. What used to be very expensive, is today a pack cheaper. Finally, we work together with professionals like Pim Niesten, who have tons of experience at National Geographic.”

The string may then be broadcast on Canvas, still Hotel Hungaria even more possibilities. So, there is the online platform that yesterday it was launched and the first images of the documentary and the progress will be, and there is viewed, or a film about wolves Naya and August belongs to the possibilities.

the project of more than 3 million euro to pay, count the creators on the support of the Flemish Audiovisual Fund and the Taxshelter. The recordings would be held next year.