Apple and Moses Martin reached with his dad for a snack on Monday.

Coldplay singer Chris Martin and actor Gwyneth Paltrow children are already 14 and 12. Children look significantly famous parents. Martin and the kids were photographed on a sunny afternoon.

Father like Apple Martin is interested in music. Girl makes music and likes to present.

Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow were married in December 2003. They belonged to the time in most couples.

Apple Martin looks just like her mother. AOPChris Martin to pick up the kids from school. The family lives in the united states. AOPChris Martin is known for example, the songs Fix You, Viva la Vida and Yellow. AOPMyös Moses Martin is interested in singing. AOP

Paltrow and Martin separated in 2014. Divorce entered into force in 2016. Paltrow and Martin are still good friends.

Gwyneth Paltrow married Brad Falchuk with the fall of 2018.