The young comedian, Kevin Vågenes (32) have had great success with the tv series “couples therapy” on NRK in the last year, where he plays a variety of characters who are struggling in the relationship and who receive the help of a parterapeut.

– I have all the worst characteristics of my grades

Many of the characters are inspired by real people, and he has garnered very good reviews to take sweethearts and their problems on the grain.

Dagbladet met Vågenes in connection with the distribution of Humorprisen last Friday, where he walked off with the prices in the categories “the Year’s humorprogram” and “the Year’s funniest on tv” for just “couples therapy”.

Deceived by the Pinnacles-date

On the screen, he plays a variety of people, all in the relationship, but private he is single. An existence he thrives in.

– I have it very nice as a single. A few years ago stressed I really get me a girlfriend, but now I take it a bit more with the rest. Right now I have no, he says to Dagbladet.

WON SEVERAL AWARDS: Kevin Vågenes together with Linn from professionals on Humorpris ceremony Friday. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and Hear the Show more

32-year-old admits to have a Peaks profile, where he constantly gets messages from the people who know him from the tv. Not all dates have been as successful.

– It was the one that had sent the extremely old photos of themselves in advance, but when I met him, I realized that he had lied about his age, telling Vågenes, and continues:

I’m pretty konfliktsky, so I don’t think I reacted so very, where and when. I pretended that I had it nice. He noticed very well that there was no mood for a date number two.

Nrk Kevin Vågenes experienced infidelity – I was so blind

It had been nice with some good Peaks-dates in 2019, he adds.

Experienced infidelity

despite the fact that Vågenes experiencing resounding success on TV, and enjoying life as a single, he has previously also been open about their kjærlighetsproblemer.

Vågenes thought namely some years ago, that he had found the right one. The relationship took quickly to an end when Vågenes discovered that the type had supposedly been unfaithful.

– It is the only one I’ve been properly in love with, but he turned out to be a good old fashioned prick, said Vågenes to Dagbladet in 2017, and added:

I think of myself as a rational person, but so was I so blind! I learned a lot of it, and was also a little burned by it. But it is the only time I have been both blind and deaf and dumb, said Vågenes the time.

couples therapy: In “couples therapy” on NRK, player Kevin Vågenes a variety of different characters. Among other things, Kjell-the Simen and Maiken. Video: NRKVideo: NRK Show more Struggled with eating disorders

32-year-old has also spoken openly about her eating disorder in the past.

– I’ve had eating disorders for a long time, to and from through ten years, told the popular comedian to VG in 2017.

Here breaks Vågenes the back: – the Sounds is absolutely terrible

According to the he himself was the bottom reached in 2015. When he was awarded the “Komiprisen” in the same year, he couldn’t be happy.

almost no one knew at the time, was that it just was totally black inside me. I cheered when I got the price. But I was not able to know joy, he told the time.

today, however, the life of Vågenes completely different, and he has told that he has got many nice feedback on the TV series, but also some of the more quirky the battle.

It has happened several times that someone comes up to me and just says: “And we laughed”, and then they go again. It is very fun, then enjoy I me, have Vågenes previously said to Look and Listen.

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