Friday at 14 to become a rather unique item offered at auction at Bruun Rasmussen Auctions in Bredgade in Copenhagen.

Nothing less than a piece of Danish history is being offered for sale in the form of a safirdiadem that belonged to Queen Alexandrine.

It is the three komtesser of Rosenborg, Josephine, Camilla and Feodora, who has decided to sell out of arvejuvelerne.

It is not normal, that the royal jewels being put up for sale in Denmark, and there is a special reason for that komtesserne can sell the precious safirdiadem. It is not a part of the large collection of crown jewels, as is the royal family’s property.

– It is unusual to get the royal jewels out of the way. But it is private property, so there is no problem in it being put up for sale, explains the historian and kongehusekspert Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen to the Extra Blade.

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It is the three komtesser of Rosenborg, twins Josephine and Camilla, and little sister Feodora, who sells the big safirdiadem. The royal family may not oppose the auction, since the diadem is privately owned. Photo: Michael Stub/ Ritzau Scanpix

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There is no doubt that it is a very special and precious piece of jewelry that will be auctioned on Friday, at Bruun Rasmussen auctions. But the danes should not think that in the future, they will be able to take around to various auction houses in Denmark and buy royale jewelry.

– We are not used to seeing this kind of auctions, because the Danish royal family is insanely rich and has many ornaments as they can sell out of. They were much more well-heeled, so it was perhaps something you saw more often, says Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.

He will, however, not exclude that perhaps in the future will be able to buy a piece or two of a from the royal family, but then it will be under exceptional circumstances.

– The royal family will never sell out of the jewelry belonging to the crown, i.e. the crown jewels. It may be that crown princess Mary of denmark Venüsbet at a time to a charity auction will sell off its private jewelry, says Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.

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Photo by Caroline-Mathilde, who holds the offered piece of jewelry as a bandeau. Photo: Bruun Rasmussen Auctions

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Safirdiademet, now for sale, came to Denmark in 1898, when princess Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was married to the Danish prince Christian. The large diadem was a wedding present from Tsar Nicholas II and Zaritsa Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia.

Prince Christian and princess Alexandrine was in 1912, king Christian X of Denmark and queen Alexandrine. The king and queen gave in 1933 safirdiademet to their youngest son, the heir presumptive prince Knud, who was married with Caroline-Mathilde.

By arveprinsessens death in 1995 went the diadem in succession to their son, count Christian of Rosenborg. So, since 1995, the safirdiademet been in the Rosenborg-family hands, and now they are ready to dispose of it at an auction.

The large safirdiadem is attributed to C. E. Bolin, St. petersburg. Petersburg, 1897-1898. It is adorned with eight ovalcut Ceylon sapphires at a total of 33 carats, as well as numerous oldmine – and singlecut diamonds, a total of 53 carats.

It is valued at a price of between 1.500.000 and 2.000.000 million dollars.

Friday at 14 o’clock, Bruun Rasmussen will also sell out of the princess Elisabeth’s Russian collection. Among other things, you will be able to buy a ladies watch by plantin, which is adorned with numerous old-cut diamonds.

Are you more of a Russian handskeæske with lakarbejde or a bell push by Fabergé, so it will also be at the auction on Friday.

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