Cycling The Italian former topspurter Alessandro Petacchi is suspected of blood doping administered to have been given by the German doctor Mark Schmidt, a key player in Operation Aderlass. Know that the newspapers Le Monde and Corriere della Sera . The facts from 2012 and 2013.

Doctor Schmidt was on February 27 held in the cabinet in the German Erfurt. Earlier already it became known that Stefan Denifl, Georg Preidler and Danilo Hondo, who from 2010 to 2012 teammate of Petacchi at Lampre, is by Schmidt left doperen. Le Monde claims that “reliable sources” aware of an investigation into doping by Petacchi, who is already one year was suspended for the use of salbutamol in 2007.

Petacchi is as an analyst in the Giro at the moment, and she could Corriere della Serra him for questioning. “I’m never in Schmidt in his cabinet and have never blood transfusions done”, defends the former spurtbom. “Why my name now pops up, I don’t know. That Schmidt was a doctor with Milram, while I drove, I discover only now. He was perhaps German athletes, but I have never seen or known.”