Night dream wedding-in the program celebrated the wedding of Finland in Turku in iranian tradition.The happy couple ended up bickering at the flower shop, wedding bouquet to change the conditions of the fire.

iranian-born Tiina Khadem , 35 Farhad Khadem , 43, will celebrate the wedding in california before christmas in 2018. Wedding reception time, the groom has lived in finland for only three months, so the party symbolize also earnestly awaited common life in a new country.

in the End the groom gets his way wedding bouquet shape. TV5

Tiina has moved to Finland from Iran in 2003. He currently works in the Persian language asioimis interpreter. Farhad worked in Iran as a doctor, but left it all for love. Man goal is to learn the Finnish language quickly. It helps the bride, for the man has not yet reached a language course. Downtime is during the day a lot and it wears out in nature with your dog. Finnish friends are hard to find without a common language.

the couple’s wedding is iranian traditions. TV5

the couple became acquainted with Persian language internet forum in 2010. Video calls come daily. The joint meeting agreed in Istanbul beginning of the year 2017. The first night after both it was clear, that together we stay. Soon the 12 days of love holiday at the end Farhad swooped in Iran its guests tiina’s father’s speech, and asked for this daughter’s hand in marriage. The couple got engaged in the spring of 2017. They were married in Istanbul starkly in the summer, so Farhad can be quickly obtained a residence permit in Finland. To get it to go in the end of 9 months.

Häätilan decoration tighten also the bride’s nerves. TV5

with the wedding of the bride of the nerve to betray the flower shop, since groom is surprisingly much to say right hääkimpusta. The bride is not anywhere in the name would want to the round bouquet, but the waterfall model first of all, does not please. The groom’s eyes again would please as simple as possible bouquet.

to top it All on the wedding day the couple’s car dented at the intersection. Situation the bride will not spare to say.

the couple does not recognise any religion, but the bride is wished a priest to the wedding venue for the turku restaurant. The wedding is also a lot of iranian traditions and bling bling.

dream wedding TV5:Monday, at 21.