Gold has never shined so brightly. The precious metal reached a new all-time high on Tuesday, at $2,141.79 per 31-gram ounce. The previous record ($2,135.39) dates back to December. In one year, prices jumped 15%.

The reasons that propel the yellow metal to its highest level are multiple. “ Concerns about the global economic outlook, geopolitical tensions and the shift in expectations towards anticipated interest rate cuts have fueled increased demand for the precious metal,” summarizes Ricardo Evangelista, analyst at ActivTrades. In recent days, several indicators have shown signs of running out of steam in the American economy. And reinforced expectations of an upcoming cut in interest rates by the American central bank (Fed) to support the country’s economy.

Also read: What precautions should you take when reselling your gold?

Mechanically, a drop in rates benefits gold: lower rates are likely to weigh on US bond yields and the dollar, diverting investors towards the yellow metal, also considered a safe haven. Global central banks also play a major role in the price of gold through their massive purchases.

For completely different reasons, bitcoin also reached a new all-time high on Tuesday at $69,191.94. The star of cryptocurrencies has been booming since the approval at the beginning of the year on the American market of a new type of investment accessible to a wider audience.