Grow – Tips for your cultivation

the Guide: So you grow all year round

Season no 2 is waiting around the corner

Soon high time to pick up outdoor furniture, trädgårdsgrejer and the remains of the summer cultivation. . . But don’t despair – season number two is waiting around the corner.

In short, it is high time to start poking down the seeds in the earth again.

A handful of arugula on homemade pizza, egenodlad spinach or maybe a bunch of small crunchy radishes? Still in september, there is a part of fast-growing crops and leaves that it is possible to make an attempt to grow in the country’s southern parts.

at the same time, it is high time to get ready for the second season in the cards.

Plan the cultivation for the winter, says the journalist and trädgårdsbokförfattaren Lena Israelsson.

– to Prepare a bed already now, a pallet collar. So, in december, and cover with fiber woven, can make it very early, ” she says.

” I have tunnelväxthus and where the wounds I everything – radishes, arugula, spinach. It can come already in march.

Carrots, black salsify more, vintersallad, chard, parsley, and parsnip – there are a variety of crops to choose from and that is excellent to förkultivera during the year’s coldest time. With the help of a kallväxthus, hotbed or fibertunnlar and with a few layers of fiber woven which protects the seed you raise the temperature of the earth. You can even try to grow on the balcony.

During the cold months you can also start to push up the seedlings with, for example, cabbage and chard. Only you cover the sowing so the seeds begin to sprout early next year.

” I sowed on the balcony in the winter. In december I have sown in plastic boxes, ” says Lena Israelsson.

So, root in november

John Wätterbäck, trädgårdsbokförfattare who also runs the blog, Uncle Green, bet even he vintersådd. To acquire seeds, you can start making right now.

” Yes, now open the fröfirmorna. Are you supposed to have fun varieties so you can buy them now so you have the job done, ” he says.

In november and december, all down in the earth.

– Then we wound most of the root vegetables, and with the top of the frost. We put on two centimeters thawed soil over frozen ground, and sow salsify, carrots, parsnips, haverit but also the dill and parsley. Seeds sowed in november to get a head start in the spring and often gives earlier harvest.

Now, in the autumn fits John Wätterbäck at the same time to take advantage of it, which was over by the summer seedling vegetables.

” We often have plants left in the greenhouse as we plant out now for harvesting in autumn and early winter. You can protect them by putting over the filter cloth and reap the harvest of what you have left.

– We leave many crops over the winter such as cabbage and broccoli, and the harvests all the way until January.

The persistent hemmaodlaren can very well manage to grow lettuce and spinach also in the autumn – of course depending on the weather, wind and zone. A variety of plants also lends itself well for seeding in the winter. Here are some crops to try:

• The asian cabbage Pak choi can be sown in early autumn and harvested about two months from sowing. You can also try to so on the balcony, and cover the pot with fabric if it gets too cold. Eat miniblad in salad or harvest larger leaves to wooka.

• the Radishes germinate and grow quickly, and can if you have the luck (and enough hours of sunshine) are harvested also in the autumn. Otherwise, a good crop to vinterså in fibertunnel for early harvest in the spring.

• Arugula, or rocket, as well as spinach is a breeze to grow. Sow seeds in pots or collar, or why not try to grow it in odlingstunnel.

• Salad of different kinds. This is the seeds of which germinate best when the soil is not too hot. Why not try a sowing in early autumn. Maybe the salad will not have time to become fully grown – but also the small leaves are fresh to mix up a locally produced herbal salad.

• Carrots, black salsify more and parsnip: So, in november and december. Cover and protect from the cold. The seeds germinate early in the spring.

• Parsley and dill is good to understand for the next season.

• Garlic planted in the autumn, for harvest next summer. Way gaps a few centimeters down in the soil.

Sources: the Weibull, Hasselfors garden, Nelson garden, Farbrorgrön.see and