
Hamas, Nouvelle-Calédonie : the misuse of the “Algerian sauce”

In a recent article published in the local newspaper, the concept of the “Algerian sauce” was brought to light in relation to the recent events involving Hamas in Gaza on October 7, 2023, and the riots in Nouvelle-Calédonie. This term, used without irony, refers to the addition of a refined flavor to something raw, in order to mask its disastrous taste.

The use of the “Algerian sauce” by decolonial activists has been described as a way to dress up their narratives. By invoking Algerian history, they seek to legitimize violence, engage in French bashing, and perpetuate a narrative of permanent decolonization. This approach allows them to draw connections between France as a perpetrator, decolonization as a form of punishment, and the eventual outcome as a “legitimate” result.

The article goes on to discuss the importance of revisiting the Algerian narrative of decolonization in order to demonstrate these interconnected themes. By intertwining the history of Algeria with current events, activists aim to create a narrative that justifies their actions and critiques of French colonialism.

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