The Federal court of auditors criticises in strong terms the serious deficiencies in the multi-billion dollar financing of the German Railways by the Federal government. In a special report to the Bundestag, which will be published this Friday, calls on the court of auditors, the Federal government, to correct key shortcomings in the System of infrastructure financing. The previous approach was “a little ambitious and risky.” The Federal government now has the opportunity to improve the System. “More and more and more’ is not acceptable,” said court President Kay Scheller in Berlin on Thursday.

the Federal government and the railway are currently negotiating a continuation of the so-called performance and financing agreement (Agreement), to ensure for the years 2020 to 2024, investment in the crumbling infrastructure. Since 2009, 30 billion euros have been invested, according to the court of auditors from the Federal budget in the Agreement – nevertheless, the infrastructure is still greatly in need of renewal. Basically, the track itself is for the maintenance of own funds is responsible, the Federal government assumes the expenses for replacement investments. The train calls in the negotiations for the new Agreement from the Federal government a billion Euro more per year. For 2019 were previously provided to 4.15 billion euros.

There is a lack of controls and priorities

“The railway infrastructure was for many years the dangers on wear and tear, the Investment backlog is growing,” said court President Scheller. Upon receipt of 25 000 bridges, 5600 rail and the rail network in a total length of almost 33 000 kilometres of “running stations much wrong,” said Scheller. Although the Federal additional funds will deteriorate the condition of the infrastructure – to the chagrin of the customer. As the subsidiary companies of the railway to use the billions of Federal subsidies, “don’t know, the Federal Ministry of transport”, alleged he. “Want to change it because currently nothing.” There is effective control were missing opportunities and set clear priorities.

As an example, Scheller called serious deficiencies in the rehabilitation of rail bridges. They had an average duration of 122 years. Between 2015 and 2019, the railway would have had to renew, according to calculations by the Financial controllers at least 1000-25 000 bridges. With the Federal government, only 875 have been agreed to date, only 363 are being renovated in turn. By the end of next year, so 512 would have to be added. “There is not going to create,” said court chief Scheller.

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the Wrong incentives can train to wear

to Four reasons for the weaknesses, he: called key quality indicators (for example, bridge condition scores), the little statements. The lack of incentives due to the between the Federal government and the railway separate fiscal burdens. Ineffective Sanctions. Lack of transparency in the economy.

The court of auditors proposes, among other things, the railway and the Federal share of both the maintenance as well as replacement of infrastructure. The Railways have less incentive to continue to wear. In addition, the Financial advocate checkers for a meaningful reporting system to the state of the infrastructure. So far, the quality of the signaled key figures – such as for bridges – a continuous improvement, but said nothing about the state of the overall system, and whether, in fact, a particularly loaded areas of the network to be in the shot.

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the Gobahis court of auditors, President of the Scheller visited the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) called for in view of the massive system flaws, “to make yourself a more accurate picture” on the cost-effectiveness and impact of the financing agreement. And “There is a clear transport policy announcement is missing,” added Scheller.