House and home+ FÖLJTjuvstarta before christmas and the advent season – so you celebrate noventNovent 2018 keeps novembermörkret bortaFoto: ThinkstockJulälskaren start the christmas celebrations with novent.LOVELY FLAT

Suck it in the julfirartarmen and it is impossible to keep your fingers away from the julmusten? Quiet, ways in time to celebrate the novent. Novent keeps novembermörkret away and let julälskarna jump the gun with their crafts.

Is pantkassen already full of urdruckna julmustflaskor, is the griljerade skinkdoften dense in the kitchen and is jullåtslistan set on repeat? Not as strange as it is, after all, novent – that is to say, november and the time leading up to advent. The period when all julälskare think it is high time to get started with the julpysslandet.

You’ve probably seen it in the social flow, a lussebullsbak here, a glöggflaska there and watch – in which appeared the first hyacinterna up, indeed. And there is actually a name for it here tasted the christmas celebration, namely the novent. Novent means that the november and advent go together and in anticipation of advent to start the celebrated count the weekends in november down, just as from advent until christmas.

When you are celebrating novent teeth you light every Sunday in adventsstaken, but in the wrong direction, adventstaken then transformed to noventstake. Begin with the candle farthest to the right, when advent is here so meet the fourth novent and the first Sunday of advent to one and the same light, at the far left. This year began novent on 11 november.

Now it is not really meant to you should be long until the whole arsenal of holiday decorations and pull out the christmas tree early in november. But a smygstart with light, loops, a little to the rear and flowers may well not be wrong. In addition, perhaps about the christmas stress can reduce a little if lussebaket is done already before the first Sunday of advent.