Good news+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVMaria followed the gut – found her mother dying in the bathroom”It feels as if we have been given a second chance”GOOD NEWS

Mother Lotta lay dying on the bathroom floor with 26 degrees in body temperature.

the Daughter of Maria understood that something was wrong when she answered the phone.

– Mom krampade and was just ice cold, ” says Maria.

In april had a Lotta Ljungmark, 62, has been on sick leave from work for about a year. She suffered from severe sciatica and was often weak. Sometimes she felt not recognize himself and appeared confused.

– I put the clothes on the floor in the living room. Keys and bus pass was not where I used to put them, ” says Lotta.

One afternoon, called the Lotta’s 40-year-old daughter, Maria Ljungmark, to his mother. But she was greeted by voice mail and got again contact.

Immediately, Maria got a bad gut feeling.

– I felt that something was wrong and went home to her apartment in Skärholmen, ” says Maria Ljungmark.

Photo: Joel SwahnMaria Ljungmark found mom Lotta dying in the bathroom.

She banged on his mother’s door, but no one opened. By brevinkastet saw Maria that it was lit in the apartment and that rullatorn stood in the hall.

Then decided her daughter to call for help.

– There came a police patrol, who broke down the front door, ” says Maria.

Mother krampade and was ice-cold

Together with konstaplarna she found Lotta lying prone and unconscious on the bathroom floor. The police arranged quickly, until an ambulance, which was on the spot after four minutes.

– Mom krampade and was not contactable. She was just ice cold. She had 26 degrees in body temperature, ” says Maria.

Police, revenge, and Maria helped put Lotta on a stretcher. She was worn out, and were then post haste to the hospital.

A quarter of an hour left to live,

Arrived at the hospital the doctors told me that Maria and the police officers had rescued Lotta’s life. She had a quarter of an hour left to live when they found her there on the bathroom floor.

– Mother’s condition was very fragile when she came in to the emergency room. The staff did not think she would survive, ” says Maria.

to heat up the Lotta, that was ice cold, she had several blankets on it. However, the rapid change in temperature led to acute cardiac arrest. Then she got connected into the respirator.

Hours in the hospital turned into days that became weeks. But the doctors still could not find the reason to be life hung on a frail thread. Maria sat at her mother both day and night.

– I talked with her, brushed her hair and played her favorite music, ” she says.

Got cardiac arrest – a time to

After a few weeks decided the doctors to disconnect the ventilator, and move Lotta to infektionsavdelningen. Then she got quickly a further cardiac arrest.

– The second hjärtstoppet was unattended and lasted 15 minutes. During that time she was dead, ” says Maria. Kingbetting

the medics got Lotta heart also this time. But they told me that if she would get a third cardiac arrest in the connection to the other, they would put her to sleep, because hjärnskadorna would probably be great.

– It was a terrible message to receive. I did not leave her side in several days. She had no more cardiac arrest, ” says Maria.

Photo: PrivatLotta Ljungmark low plugged into the respirator. Turn off the ventilator

When four weeks passed and Lotta’s condition is still not improved called doctors Maria to the meeting. They asked how she stood to turn off the machines that kept the Lotta at life.

After the meeting, Maria was completely devastated. She went into the hospital room, until Lotta’s bed and took hold of his mother’s hand.

When did Mary to Lotta pressed pressed a little loose with her fingers in her palm.

– I cried at the doctors: ”Come! Fast! She presses,” she says and continues:

– It was an indescribable feeling. That is a miracle.

Practicing salsa and boxing

In the window hanging red curtains, on the table is a jar of gingerbread cookies and a christmas tree in miniature. Lotta and Maria is at home in the apartment in Skärholmen, in southern Stockholm.

Soon, it has been six months since Lotta came home from the hospital.

– I remember nothing from the time I was inside. It is only now I begin to understand how bad it actually was, ” says Lotta Ljungmark.

She gets up with the help of the walker, and uses a grapple to pick things up from the floor. The six months after hospitalization has largely consisted of trying to get back muscles.

– I have trained a lot of rehab. Strength training, salsa and boxing, she says, she continues:

– the Salsa is not easy. It is difficult to get to höftrullningarna.

Photo: Joel SwahnLotta and Maria Ljungmark has been given a second chance together. Relying on gut

Maria takes a sip of coffee and says that she is glad to have their mom back in their life.

– It feels as if we have been given a second chance, ” she says, and continues:

– If I hadn’t trusted my gut that day when mom did not respond, she had surely died.

Have you received an answer on what it was that really happened?

– Mom had, without knowing it, been a long time with pneumonia, which gave her blood poisoning.

Lotta fills in:

– And finally I got a septic shock. It means that the blood pressure drops, and you can’t stop it. It was why I had been confused and put all the clothes on the floor.

How are you today?

– I hope to be completely restored. It is a long way to go, but I intend to fight, ” says Lotta Ljungmark.

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