Evening magazine reported in early February, the Finnish music circles, spreading concern that the Four Media power in the Finnish music market has grown so large that the industry fears the abuse of power. Now the debate has spread to the parliament, which has filed a written question to clarify the situation. Riitta Heiskanen
mps Cloud Torsti (sd.) it is left to the government a written question said the group’s dominant market position in the Finnish music business. Discuss the possible problems start already at the beginning of February, when the evening press published the manuscript entitled ”Is there a Finnish-born music monster?”. The script dealt with the Say-group and Nelonen media, which has in a short time become Finnish music market, perhaps the most influential actor when it acquired acquisitions of tv and radio channels of its parallel with most of the domestic music festival and most recently also with own label.
the central of the running of it, that Mikael Gabriel been recently Four radio boycott just because of that, he went into the competition a MTV tv show. Newspaper reporting also attracted Torstin, which interested in the subject, cultural committee member.
the public conversation started about it. It seems, however, that the field inside that debate had already been going for a long time. This idea I have come now, when I have spoken of as the musicians union than the individual with the musicians. They reflect the kind of fundamental questions this involves. Artistic freedom and freedom of expression are the basis of society, but is now risks its narrow t -?, Torsti thinking.
it Is understandable that the media group will seek profitable business, and many individual musicians, and this situation can be professionally beneficial. In the long term, choices must, however, based on the music on merit and what people want to hear, isn’t it, who in the camp each player is.
I Hope now launched a discussion guide operators to realize that this was a social issue, and it affects the music industry activities and strategies. Fresh care sector example shows, that in the long term in a socially unacceptable action is also not commercially sustainable.
the Government submitted the question as well as tell five examples of potential problems, which can lead to:
”a__Es____imerkki 1: Festivals
Artists are sold to perform in a group company owned by the festival. As part of the agreement the festival requires that artists appear during the summer, the other organised by the festival.
Example 2: Festivals, media visibility
the Artist sold the “festival package” in a group company owned by the festival. The company requires that artists appear during the summer, other companies in the festival. As part of the agreement the company promises to artists for radio play of the group by the radio station.
Example 3: record production,
Group operator is approaching record companies cooperation in hope. Collaboration is all about audio production, which I hope is the content of record companies from artists. Phonogram producers belonging to the same group company. If you refuse to cooperate, there is a risk of media-time reduction of the group by the radio station.
Example 4: Media time
the Artist refused to group tv channel presenter job and instead took against the presenter of the pest to a rival tv channel in the program. Refusal artist recording of the call group by the radio station end.
Example 5: the musical-program
the Artist is to be included in the group of channels on the rotating program. As part of the agreement the artist requires that he appeared in other tv channels in the program so long as those programs shown on tv. In addition, the artist prohibits the sponsor and other business cooperation other than the group’s decided by the companies.
What action the ministry intends to take to ensure that Competition and consumer agency shall monitor adequately for it, how do you Say-group operators use its dominant position in the Finnish music industry, and where appropriate, missing a possible market position abuse?”
evening magazine written for musicians and other music representatives of the world of worries, is the topic of a huge debate. The delivery is flooded with excellent feedback to the musicians always tango royal internationally successful rock-stars. All the message was the same: the topic has been talked about behind the scenes for a long time, but no one has dared open his mouth in public consequences.
– Colleagues from there will certainly be no many in the public share, but it’s pretty damn good and the main script. That said the situation is a huge concern, the platinum-selling artists wrote.
the Debate grew so large that also the Musicians union to take a position. The covenant confirmed he was concerned about this situation by publishing a statement entitled the power of focus on the threat of music diversity.
”the Individual artist in terms of cooperation Fours with can be very useful, but in the larger picture, there is a danger that more and more narrow, some of the artists and musicians from the first place to introduce yourself to the audience”, the union told its position and assure to monitor the situation in the future.
Four have participated in the debate by publishing a bulletin, in which it stressed its willingness to cooperate with everyone.
”So we can grow, we must cooperate more, not to restrict or concentrate. A growing, thriving market needs a big, successful, interesting artists and constantly new, rising stars”
“the Artist may with us to build and plan their career more versatile, grow and set goals even further. Cooperation towards common goals, and we can support them by promoting the artist the visibility and cohesion of our channels”, Nelonen Media, business manager Kari Valley told the bulletin.
Discuss the Four activities is likely to continue for the next parliament, because the government has 21 days to respond to now submitted a written question.