“Music makes kids a bit smarter”

“Professor: They will be better in language, math, and have a higher iq”

“What the kids choose may play a greater role than you think.”

“Children, which performs actively doing very well in languages and mathematics, but also in tests of general iq,” says Fredrik Ullén, professor of cognitive neuroscience at the Karolinska institute.”

“today is a great focus on the importance of physical movement, but there is research that indicates that music lessons from an early age have twice as great an effect on children’s cognitive abilities as sports activities.”

“the Connection between music-making and good academic results in other subjects are likely to depend on several things, like genetic factors, and that children who have problems in school more frequently choose to play. But there are also studies that suggest that it is the very as that will have a positive impact on other achievements.”

“Fredrik Ullén does not want to set the sport against the music, but that music tuition like in school is important for several reasons.”

“– To make music in a group is good for social cohesion and the environment. Learning an instrument can also contribute to the good practices for practice and studies, ” he says.”

“To force their children to practice for hen to become more intelligent, however, is a bad idea, says Fredrik Ullén.”

“– However, it is nice to offer the option. And want the baby to try, I think it is important to agree that ”now we are giving this a chance”, so that you practice in a focused and regularly over a period of time, even if it’s not giant whimsical just every single second.”

“– Like so much else becomes music serious fun when you get over a certain threshold. It is good to learn to work towards long-term goals, not least when competing activities such as computer games and the like often offer quick rewards, ” he says.”

“the Criticism of the school of music”

“But all children do not have the opportunity to take music lessons at your leisure. That leaves the school’s mandatory counterpart, which received scathing criticism from the Swedish schools Inspectorate, which, lr, LR.”

“IN LR’s survey with more than 400 music teachers in primary schools responding was the third that they lack the appropriate instruments, and music room. 87% have not enough time, and halvklassindelning is rarely possible.”

“– There is a gap between the curriculum requirements and the prerequisites for practical implementation, ” says Helena Linge, a music teacher and second vice chair in the LR.”

“”Many would probably start playing, but can’t be bothered””

“It is Wednesday night and culture school brass bands with names like the ”Hold Valve” and ”Blow Angeles” scratch in the Spånga Folkets Hus, north of Stockholm.”

“We’ll have a chat with Gustav, 11, Minna, 12, Monica, 13, August, 12, and Irene, 10.”

“• What are the benefits of playing an instrument?”

“August: It sounds nice when you play together. I am a bit proud that I’m doing so that it sounds nice. My class is very messy, but I can take with me to the concentration from the orchestra to the school.”

“Minna: A part of the support of the music when it feels awkward. Music is like art, there is no right or wrong.”

“Monica: All problems will disappear when you play.”

” • * * * How did you choose your instrument?”

“Irene: I first wanted to play the saxophone, but it was full. Then the proposed mom the clarinet. I tried it and thought it was fun.”

“Monica: I saw a movie on tv where a girl played the sax. It sounded nice and looked cool.”

“August: Trombone felt right, both the sound and holding the instrument. Feeling is important.”

“• What say your friends that you play in the orchestra?”

“Gustav: Many would probably start, but they can’t be bothered.”

“August: Or the parents cannot afford.”

“Minna: some maybe thinking that they will not do it. You need to be pushed in the beginning. Therefore it was good that our teacher Håkan came to school and told me about the orchestra. It was a kick.”

“the music teacher Håkan Jonson has been working in the school of the arts for 22 years. He notices clearly that the students develop by music.”

” clearly, yes. Some are very shy, but here they bloom up. Others have problems with hyperactivity, but here, they focus on the task at hand. A mother of a student said that the orchestra has saved her son, that it is the only thing he’s comfortable in.”

“Better ratings and less tv viewing”

“■ Students who have taken music lessons from 8 to 17 years of age had, in a long-term study higher scores and better cognitive abilities than the average among peers.”

“■ They were also more targeted, watched less tv and were aiming to a higher degree on the university level, than their peers who sportade, played the theatre or danced.”

“■ Research in the US shows that musicians have more ability to think of creative solutions to complex problems than others because they use both hemispheres of the brain more.”

“■ Musikämnet in primary schools has been reduced from 360 hours in the 1960s to today’s 230 hours.”

“■ 2011 targeted schools Inspectorate sharp criticism of the quality of the music tuition like in the Swedish school.”

“■ All municipalities except six have music – ochu002Feller arts schools. Music is the most popular subject with 162 053 students, of which 59 percent are girls.”

“Source: The German Socio – Economic Panel, the Children’s Music Workshop, Phys.org, the Teachers ‘Association of sweden, the Swedish schools Inspectorate, Smok”