Showbizz They would like something to zwangerschapskilo’s lost, he wants her now again in sexy suits. Just to say that new parents Niels Albert (32) and Valeska (31) a vestimentair dispute. To Jani to solve this problem in the new season of ‘So Man So Woman’.

They look good sleep, Niels and Valeska, taken in tow by Jani. Not easy with a baby in the house, but they prices happy: “Alexine is so good, she sleeps every night. And the love we have for her to feel…’t is no pen to describe.”

Valeska, you are allegedly impressed by how Niels z’n vaderrol has been recorded.

Read also ” As Man, As Woman’ with Jani Kazaltzis moves to FOUR

Valeska: He is very much concerned with Alexine, that’s right. He refreshed her, get her in the morning from her bed, give her food, wash her. Everything I do, he does also.

Niels: I try my best to do. Of course I have a busy life, but in my free time I try to do much with Alexine, and the household what to lighten for Valeska.

Valeska: of Course, because I have two days per week, am home for her, I am still much more together with Alexine. Therefore, I feel things might faster: when she’s tired, when she is hungry. That, Niels has maybe a little less. But I’m not complaining.