First date on a flight is like two realityn crossed, looking for the right one.Already in the first episode is seen, who hardly will sync to. They are Stephanie and Ryan. Ava
If the first date at the altar, and the Amazing Race belong to your favorites list, not a new favorite of your league no doubt. It is today beginning with the american reality on a first date on a flight.
Already the name says it all an essential – albeit a small focus is the task. Strangers couples do not meet each other for the first time on an airplane, but much is missing. They travel the month dates of the North American continent and perform along the way a variety of tasks. The last item is the altar. The finals will have to decide to get married or continue different roads.
Who eight love in the past disappointed of a single decision, then they do?
the wedding singer Stephanie Ver eec project , 28, is Lindenhurst, New York. Experts have chosen him a Michigan resident Ryan Pinterbothin , 26, who is in the commercial sector.
plano, Texas from the Stephanie Johnson , 31, and in atlanta Michael Stewart , 31, are both entrepreneurs.
a Chicago social worker Alma Lopez , 31, to travel together accountant Michael nacca’s , 30, with. The man is from New York Bellmore.
, 26, is a teacher in Los Angeles and Cale O’Bryan , 29, a lawyer from Dallas.
at Least on the face of almost all couples seem to have a lot in common, whether it’s religiosity or family centrality. Jenna and Cale began the journey, however, is clearly wet. Cale systematic not impressed with jenna, which doesn’t exactly hide its attitude. There’s eye rolling, frustration, and misunderstood jokes. The atmosphere is not in the ceiling, but rather awkward.
the opening sequence in the performed tasks, inter alia, New york’s unusual in most restaurants and Niagara falls.
a first date on a flight today ava at 21.00,