Postnord+ FÖLJPostnord-car driving on the E20 with open dörrarNYHETER

Petter Flores drove in the E20 in Gothenburg when he saw one of postnord’s trucks run at full speed on the highway – with a full open load.

“I saw that it was filled with plastinpackade pallets and those on the front window can cause very severe accidents,” says Petter to Aftonbladet.

Initially thought Petter that the truck had a decal in the rear as a kind of joke, as a result of all the criticism that has been directed at Postnord in the past. He filmed therefore the strange sight, before he even had time to think over the seriousness of the matter.

Event occurred on 27 november. First, on Saturday december 8, when the Aftonbladet newspaper reported that the police in Västerås been alerted to it about five Postnord-cages lay scattered on the E18 highway, next to the city that Petter acted.

– I thought Then that it seems to happen quite often, and that is not good. I have colleagues who work on the roads. It suggests, of course, shortcomings in security controls before you start driving, ” says Petter Flores.

Postnord ask to see the video that the witness filmed before addressing the criticism. Then will quickly be an explanation.

1 of 4 Bahis Siteleri | Photo: LÄSARBILDPetter thought at first that it was a decal on the truck – then he saw the doors were open.

– Unfortunately, it is the human factor that has caused this. The driver in question has forgotten to pull down the shutters when he has left the terminal, ” says Mathias Krümmel, head of production, Postnord.

– the Routines are very clear. It is the driver’s responsibility to both lastsäkra and to ensure that all doors and shutters should be closed. Control should be done before you go and it may never go any faster than that it will be right because it’s all about road safety. We are looking seriously at this.

Three similar cases

in Addition to these two similar cases, reported Aftonbladet in August for a third. Where a motorist had first seen the solve package on the highway. A bit further on the road snatched postnord’s truck the front is completely open cargo. Also in this case, put Its blame on the driver.

– I think This is very cowardly. Place the responsibility on an employee. I think that you as an employer to take on criticism and not single out individual drivers, ” says Petter Flores.

Aftonbladet asks why postnord’s trucks continue to get stuck on the reader movies with open doors on motorways, despite the repeated criticism.

– We have the ultimate responsibility to ensure that our employees and contractors to follow the traffic rules that must be obeyed. It doesn’t matter that we have thousands of trucks rolling. Every time that this happens is one too many, ” says Krümmel.