More than eight million people have, according to the world health organisation, WHO, has officially been infected with the coronavirus, and it applies, among other things prince Charles of great Britain.
The 71-year-old successor was found to have the infectious disease back in march.
There was a message from the british royal family, the prince showed mild symptoms, and despite the circumstances it did well.
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Earlier in the week showed prince Charles for the first time at an official event.
Accompanied by his wife, duchess Camilla, visited the prince to health professionals at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.
During the visit told prince Charles, according to the BBC, that he still had not got its full taste and sense of smell back and still felt the mark of the disease.
According to the BBC kept the royal couple, of course, the authorities ‘ instructions at least two meters of distance and greeted the staff with the hinduiske greeting namaste, where your palms meet each other in front of the heart.
the Prince’s wife, duchess Camilla, was according to prince Charles’s demonstrated infection also tested for coronavirus, but the test was negative, reported the british royal family back in march.