Prince Philip, 97, drove for a week then crash. Now he has apologized for the accident from the other party.Prince Philip was in a car accident early in the year 2019.
Prince Philip have approached the letter in a car accident harm their women. In a letter to the prince apologize. The Sunday Mirror says the prince expresses in his letter he was deeply sorry for what happened.
the Prince told the easiest tuneensa to hear everyone survived the accident relatively unscathed. the Emma Fairweather break fell swoop of my arm. Prince wish fairweather for a speedy recovery. The prince also tells about freaked out that he had a car accident.
97-year-old prince Philip is an avid motorist. ZUMAWIRE/MVPHOTOS
Prince Philip did not see the approaching car close to the Sandringham estate. The prince was not injured in the crash.
the Prince’s accident brought the topic of elderly motorists. The opinion of the majority of the 97-year-old prince should leave the driving to younger people. The prince himself does not agree.
here and Here you can read more about the prince’s car accident.