Documentary film Paavo Turtiainen is available now in IL-TV.See the documentary film Finnish Paavo Turtiainen exceptional life.

the 19-year-old chance movie stars and heads of state cook would end up in the Paavo Turtiainen an amazing life could be like in a Hollywood movie.

Turtiainen and Ingrid Bergman party by chance airport encounter led eventually a young Finnish first to Paris and then to the united states, where he has for decades gotten to meet and often also to cook the world I know the most and influential people.

IL-TV now presents Paavo Turtiainen’s life to tell a touching documentary film Spongebob – five servings of life, which includes not only Turtiaista himself also his friends and entourage. The documentary is also included, inter alia, the fascinating footage of Ingrid Bergman in Helsinki-visit in 1970.

the documentary film can also be viewed here.

the film is viewable in the new year’s day at 22.

Young Finnish become world-star chef and party organizer. HANDLE PRODUCTIONS OY