Actress Kim Cattrall stars in the tv series rich widow.Kim Cattrall will be seen next, the Filthy Rich -the name of the tv series. AOP

Cattrall, 62, presented as päärooleista next fall in the united states began in the Filthy Rich -name the tv series.

Cattrallin character is a rich widow, whose husband used to run the world’s largest christian tv channel. After death find out that the same man had fathered a slew of children with Cattrallin presented by the character wasn’t aware of.

the Series is described as drama, comedy, and its background is, inter alia, the Maid-the success of the movie, the renowned writer-director of Tate Taylor .

Cattrall will perhaps best be remembered for the sex and the city series, which he presents as its main character, a sex fiend Samantha Jones.