Style The world wide web is full of self-made women: bloggers, vloggers, appontwikkelaars … This week we put a series of quick questions to socialemediaster Gaëlle Garcia Diaz.

1. Why did you ever have your YouTube channel set up?

“did you Know that I, as a six-year-old sometimes, the news presented to my parents? As a child, I dreamed of becoming their own content. When I was in 2016 was looking for a new challenge, I asked advice to my friend who is already a YouTube account. It was to me a mystery how such a thing actually booted. ‘Just a great idea and doing’, so sounded his gold council. Et voilà, the rest is history.”

2. Now make your make-upvideo’s as the memento of ‘Martine’. What do you have in common?

“Martine is a parody on the typical beautyvlogger. A character that I try to bring a sense of irony. And at the same time, she is the uncensored version of myself. See her as the best friend who always says what she thinks! Because Martine is more extreme, find some hair on the first face vulgar. I understand, but actually they understand the irony behind it is not as good.”