Forbes magazine listed us in the top ten richest people in the entertainment industry influence.

the Richest americans the celebrity is a Star Wars movie, screenwriter and director, George Lucas . His property is estimated at about 5.4 billion dollars. A large part of the property has become the Star wars rights to sell disney the 2012.

George Lucas has made money in Star wars. ZUMAwire / MVphotos

the Second richest rises as a director, Steven Spielberg . His property is estimated at 3.7 billion. Spielberg’s controls are, inter alia, E. T., Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones.

Third place – Oprah Winfrey . His success as the acclaimed talk show is the United states long-lived day-time posted on a talk show. Winfrey’s property has been estimated at us $ 2.8 billion.

Another top tenner in the women is a television personality and model Kylie Jenner .

He and Oprah between the fourth position to wedge between the ex-basketball player Michael Jordan .

america’s 10 richest celebrity:

1. George Lucas 5.4 billion dollars

2. Steven Spielberg 3.7 billion dollars

3. Oprah Winfrey 2.8 billion dollars

4. Michael Jordan 1.7 billion dollars

5. (even) Kylie Jenner 900 million usd

6. (even) Jay-Z us $ 900 million

7. David Copperfield 875 million dollars

8. Diddy 825 million dollars

9. (even) Tiger Woods 800 million usd

10. (tied) James Patterson 800 million usd

Source: Forbes