BEWARE OF THE SPOILER! To cope with the English-section, the tribal merge will mess up your plans.Wilma began to suspect that he wanted the tribes merge after the yard. FOURS, LARS JOHNSON
in the Section of the tribe combine, causing a larger part of the Survivor-the race of the authors of positive reactions. the Wilma Bergenheim however, to start immediately nervous. He speaks throughout the day Lola Odusogan , with which you burned the bridges when he was in the same tribe.
Wilma chewing the worse when he loses the integrity of the race with four other players.
Eventually, wilma of bad feeling erupts to cry.
Today in the morning I had a feeling that probably I will leave today, to become the kind of vibe he slur for the cameras.
–Come on really strong vibe that this gang wants to get rid of.
Wallu Valpio pay attention to Wilma draamailuun before the tribal council meets.
– quite a scalp treatment is known, and Wilma doesn’t like the situation, he analyzed.
I know that Lola is like that… I’ve sensed it. I sensed Veronica and Lola, they don’t really want to, that I’m here, Wilma talks about the tears in the eyes of others.
to survive in Finland on Nelonen at 20.