MKDMSK artist names occur on the go Toikalla was a year old daughter. Tuomas Sarparanta

artist name MKDMSK appeared in the rap-artist Atte Toikka passed away in January. Where-memes, too known Toikka was when he died, only 21 years old.

Toikka had made rap music for a long time. He is remembered among other things Black-List-band.

recently, Toikka did a solo, and January 3. day, he released a fresh Further to the above song and video.

He was also working on a new album by rap-artist Saint will finish.

Toikka has now been laid to rest. His Instagram account has published a picture of the memorial. In the touching picture Toikka girlfriend and 1-year-old daughter mourn next to the coffin.

the Image saatetekstinä is only the heart and candle symbols.

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