The Tv series presented the real story is the actress Ruth wilson’s grandma’s story.Ruth Wilson presented his father’s mother, Alison Wilson, who wasn’t Ruth, the grandfather of only one spouse. Yle

Today begins a new british series Mrs. Wilson told the almost incredible story, which is, however, true. The story belongs to an actor Ruth Wilson grandmother, and she also presented the drama in nana.

Ruth Wilson is remembered inter alia for his roles Lutherissa (Alice Morgan) and The Affair (Alison Bailey).

ruth’s grandfather, his wife, clearly a senior MI6 employed an agent and author Alexander “Alec” Wilson die in real life in 1963 of a heart attack. Shortly after ruth’s father’s mother Alison Wilson behind the door appeared an unknown woman. He announced that he was mrs. Wilson and Alec’s widow.

Alison was and is a series of in – stumped. Can this be true? Everything else of his double life spent with her husband is her secret?

too of the wild the plot of the passage of the reveal can be for the latter to answer a question like that without telling missed a lot. Alison’s two boys, at least not been Alec’s only offspring. In fact, everything Alison does not even have a chance to get out in a lifetime. He passed away in 2005.

Mrs. Wilson today on TV1 with at 19.00.