Organizations backgrounds raises the breeding history of dealing in Good faith series.The population of the federation and the Folkhälsan’s history in addition to the final section describes Martti Pihkalasta, which was a radical eugenics supporter. Yle

the documentary series race breeding history in Finland ends today. Good intentions -series in the last part of Riga Nikkarinen raise the population association and the folkhälsan’s share of the population in improving the quality of.

I’m surprised to see how strongly the racial hygienic thinking has been affiliated with both organizations was born, he uttered.

Historian Sophy Bergenheim to open the background in more detail.

Both were in favor of thinking very strongly. Especially Folkhälsanilla more spoke on its behalf and was also the first sterilization committee.

– Also, the population in alliance with the population policy and racial hygiene were related to each other.

In 1921 established Folkhälsan describes himself as a general interest in the social and health sector organization, who works in the health and quality of life contribution to the society.

at the Same time, the social and health sector working population alliance reports on its website to promote families, youth and the entire population’s well-being, health and safety, as well as a happy and balanced life. The population association has been established in 1941.

Good intentions today TV1:20: 00.