Music VRT-correspondent Björn Soenens (50) has a single. Together with Gunther Neefs (53), he took a cover of ‘Wandrin’ Star’, the number 1 hit of Marvin Lee from 1970.

Usually, Bjorn Soenens as America correspondent of VRT on the latest eccentricities of Donald Trump or he visits the location where a disaster has occurred, but Soenens also appears to be a big music lover. In fact, this fall he took a single on. He made this appeal to his friend Gunther Neefs, with whom he ‘Wandrin’ Star’ was recorded, a hit of Lee Marvin from 1970.

“We have each other to learn when I was together with Guy De Pré by America drew for the Radio 2 programme ‘Route 66′,” says Gunther Neefs. “When we in Chicago were is Björn specially flown in from New York to visit us and since we have two days together of things. That was very nice and there is the plan for a musical collaboration already grappend arise. We have since remain Whatsappen and when Björn this year between christmas and new year in the country was for his family to visit, we have agreed to it in the studio.”

(Read more under Gunther Neefs)