Friday-the program section of hillbilly disco king Frederik, 73, will open the sexual research of their trips.Frederik told reporters on Friday yle of her sex life. Pete Anikari

yle of the Friday programme will be discussed on Friday 1. February sex and excitement. As a guest in episode host Sean Ricks and Rosa Kettumäen to talk to are the singer Frederik and blogger Kaisa Merelä . Section is coming to rough speech, because panomieheksi an admitted Frederik opens bluntly preferences.

popular songs of the stars frederick for sex is a happy thing, a basic human need like eating. Boy man sex words, every three days, sometimes even two times a day.

– I prefer a beautiful lingerie, masks, purity, aroma and in good condition the body. Dildos I know everything. Leather outfit and whipping are kinky, Frederik told me.

Kaisa Merelä write bluntly about sex The Good Morning -on his blog. He advocates sexual expeditions, with shame and fear give way around the subject.

Friday – Which me excite? 1. February, Yle TV1:ts, at 21: 05.

Frederik still waiting for a great love. He told a fresh hearing his evening newspaper.