I’m a former officer from the inkassobransjen with personal inkassobevilling from the financial supervisory authority of norway. Two years ago I stopped in inkassobransjen of samvittighetsgrunner.

Joni Jestilå Show more

the inspection reports do not financial supervisory authority of norway shows significant, serious errors committed by inkassoselskapene. It goes again in recovery of obsolete interest, the application of heavy salærer too early and the recovery against minors to name a few.

Tilsynsrapporten from the financial supervisory authority of norway, the summary of tilsynsåret 2016, as well as the fact that the financial supervisory authority of norway even asked for a lovrevisjon in 2017, emphasizing my experiences with the industry. Inkassoloven came in 1989, and has never been revised since, although the government admittedly has initiated a review of the individual elements by inkassoloven. This work is scheduled to finish in 2020.

A collection agency should be a neutral third party who helps the creditor with the collection of overdue pengekrav. It is not so anymore. Debt collection has become a gjeldsindustri where inkassobyråene sitting on all sides of the table, and has involved itself with private economic interest in its customers ‘ requirements.

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for example, It is common that the inkassator arranges everything from the billing to the acquisition of the “rotten” debts of the other end. It is very common with kundeavtaler where inkassobyrået container including a small part of the principal, all forsinkelsesrentene and all fees in the case. It is written that the personal loans is the major culprit, but this is not the case. In 2017 there were 8 628 741 inkassosaker in Norway. The numbers I have collected from Kredinors chairman of the board Bård Bratsberg show that 67 per cent of all inkassosaker is under 2500 dollars. This is 5 781 256 cases.

we Go on on the numbers, so it turns out that 86 per cent of all inkassosaker is under 10 000, it will say 7 420 717 cases. Inkassobransjen want customers who generate many invoices, issues with consumer is not Kralbet good business for anyone. Unfortunately, “Luksusfellen” received create one image of the irresponsible norwegians and that most inkassosaker due to consumer loans.

Tallenes tale is clear, this is not the case. Compare to the first half of 2017 with the first half of the year 2018, the number of inkassosaker grown with 700 000 cases. There is a 20 per cent growth in the number of betalingsoppfordringer.

the Statistics should scare any rikspolitiker. We had several inkassosaker the first half of 2018 than in all of 2010. Our neighbouring countries have had stable inkassotall the last five years, while Norway is experiencing an enormous growth in the number of cases. The number of employees in the inkassobransjen is right in excess of 2000 people.

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This figure has been stable for years, while the number of cases spiking in the weather. I am concerned about the quality of our work, and it seems in accept finanstilsynet’s report. In Norway it was about 8,6 million cases in 2017, will you guess how many cases in Sweden? The numbers are 7,85 million inkassosaker. Have in mind that Sweden is twice as large countries such as Norway in relation to the population. What about Finland? Yes, the numbers are about three million inkassosaker in 2017.

the Costs for debt collection is significantly lower in our neighbouring countries versus the Uk. Inkassobransjen in Norway is completely out of control, and it is not to look at enkeltmomenter in inkassoloven and maybe come up with measures in 2020. We need hastetiltak now. Norway do not need a new inkassolov, but a kreditthåndteringslov that takes all factors into today’s inkassobransje. I have been in Parliament a number of times in the fall, where among other things, the central party has responded with this question to the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara: https://www.stortinget.no/no/Saker-og-publikasjoner/Sporsmal/Skriftlige-sporsmal-og-svar/Skriftlig-sporsmal/?qid=73472

Wara answer bad for themselves and do not see the significant issues that exist in the industry. He also refers to the personal loans, which are not part of the problem in relation to the figures from Kredinor.

The Norwegian inkassobransjen driver systematic abuse of namsmyndighetene and charge namsmennene with bagatellkrav. When I think of the requirements under 2500 money sent to the enforcement officer. When one claims to be sent to the enforcement officer, you will, in principle, sued. Then comes tvistelovens §1 into play, which states that costs should be in the style of hovedkravets size. Inkassolovens section 17 also adds that the debtor is obliged only to replace the necessary costs in a case.

We have recently had cases in the media where claims as small as 21 million has been sent to the enforcement officer. Costs as follows: 875 million in heavy fees to inkassobyrået + 1130 million in skrivesalær for utleggsbegjæring + 1921 money as the enforcement officer takes to host a unsuccessful execution.

Inkassobyrået servant thus, the 2005 money of masseutsende småkrav to the enforcement officer. This is a breach with the forholdslighetsprinsippet in tvisteloven and fight also against inkassolovens §17 and §8 which deals with the good inkassoskikk. It is not good innfordringskikk to masseutsende småbeløp to the enforcement officer. These should be solved in a completely different way. It is problematic in relation to the jussen and ethics that inkassobyråene the plaintiff debtors for loose change.

Inkassoprossessen is largely fully automated, and 90 per cent of all cases are paid without that one person looks at issues. The industry has benefited from the technological developments since the law came and has experienced a significant cost reduction and, not least, improving the efficiency of their work. In the preparatory works to the inkassoloven opens it up for an annual revision of the inkassosalærene, so that the department of Justice, in principle, should have sat down every year since the law came and adjusted salærsatsene in relation to the actual cost.

This is never been done , and salærene is today exactly the same as in 1989. The politicians have simply slept in the hour, and I ask them to wake up now. The preparatory works to the inkassoloven also warns just against the conditions we see today.