Before a doctor passionate and scrupulous Luciano Mariani was a beautiful person. And if it is true that it is said of all those that will disappear, he certainly is not so. Passionate about true, had made of the belief that you should work unsparingly to vaccinate everybody against HPV a real mission. Luciano Mariani died yesterday in Rome at 64 years of age in the late morning, after an illness that had given the first hints not long ago. Together with the virologist Aldo Venuti was the coordinator of the HPV Unit to the Ifo. He was born in 2002, when the Ifo was still the Regina Elena and San Gallicano-not yet – in the name – Istituti Fisioterapici Ospedalieri. And she was born the HPV unit, because for him the importance of vaccination to successfully prevent the tumor was a true passion. More: a mission. She went around the convention showing his slides, he was Italian representative to test the effectiveness of the vaccine quadrivalente. And for some years insisted to vaccinate the males, as they had already begun to do many anglo-saxon countries, with extraordinary results.

“We started working together in the late ’80s – says Aldo Venuti, his companion in the adventure of HPV unit – and we have signed many jobs together. But Luciano was above all a friend, a friend all round. He was passionate and capable of impulsive, so I am thoughtful. Perhaps, for this reason we liked each other, were complementary. And I often intervenivo to mend situations that he had dealt with perhaps a little too much of the chest. It was really a forerunner for the HPV and in the beginning it was difficult to convince even the gynecologists of his colleagues of the importance of the vaccine. He was among the first to espouse the idea that the vaccination was set at the clinical level, taking advantage of his ability to communicate.”

for some years Marian conferences, but also by calling the journalists that she knew, asked to focus on the vaccination of males. Because not only protected them from the cancers (anal and oro-pharyngeal), but helped to reduce the spread of the virus and then the flu. He was so convinced of this that he managed to convince even me. It was more difficult to reason with my son, who not only believed the vaccine “females”, but he had, and he’s afraid of needles. Marian greeted us in the office with a smile and answered every hard objection (as it did online with the patients that they wrote that now, he admits Came from, you feel orphaned) and in the end convinced my son to get the first dose, but only because he made himself the bite. “Lost” a lot of the time, but he did it because he was a young boy in a safer and more secure. And asked my son to tell his friends, and not to forget the other doses.

Not stop never. “Now – remember who Came – we were thinking of a foundation, but sometimes life doesn’t give you the time to do the things that you would like. A foundation to raise awareness of Hiv, and all of the tumors from infectious agents, such as hepatitis B, are preventable with vaccinations. For him the adventure of HPV was exciting: to think of an infectious disease that causes cancer and see a vaccine that gives concrete results in the general population, it happens a few times in Medicine. And, in fact, in his intervention at the conference showed how in Australia disappeared the condilomatosi, the prevalence of the virus, and it is expected that the curves of the tumor fall. He did it with great passion, he was like, put on a grand passion. In everything he did”. The funeral today, 6 may at 16.30 at the Basilica of San Lorenzo al Verano.

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