There is an emigrant, in this summers the dark where to migrate seems to be a synonym of crime, which is doing swell of pride in the chest of the huge “Little Italy” of London. It is a genoese, of the Nerves, called Lorenzo the Patron, working in the british capital as a surgeon endovascular at Northwick Park Hospital. Last month he was smiling from “his” operating room on the first page of the Evening Standard, the magazine industry’s most widely read and influential of the anglo-saxon world, together with the patient to whom he had just saved a foot from amputation with project hopeless”. And at 36 years old, grew up in the San Martino of Genoa and in England by 2016, it seems the (new, the nth perfect symbol of a heritage — public Health ligure — “that we’re wasting,” he admits through gritted teeth. A (former?) system of excellence which can not migrate only the primary and the figures known, but also (and especially) the post-grads, young professionals, “many of those forces that are freshly formed and for the health system should represent the precious lifeblood”. And instead, they make their fortune elsewhere.

Physician interventional radiologist, is now between a “consultant” of the West London Vascular and Interventional Centre, in three years the Patron has passed from the insecurity of a contract uncertain to the San Martino (“my place depended on the expectation of a senior worker, I would have been likely to do a job not mine,” she tells us) to the vertices of a specialist centre in a hospital that serves 1 million and 200 thousand people. A career jump, which in recent years has united so many italians, between ambitious professionals and young people of beautiful hopes, not only by doctors, but in his case it has a particular weight. Why is it that “in the Italian system, it was only a neo specialized, intended to be the subject of careers already decided, a lack of organization and lack of autonomy and a real meritocracy” — reflects the doctor genovese — today it is even studied. “I do courses on the my skills, as well as ischemia of the leg, are from all over England to see me work, — update — next month I have two conferences to be held, one in Chicago and the other from Israel.”

A nice history of which to be proud, in short, but the aftertaste is ever so bitter, especially in the days of the crisis in the health system ligure shows the faces and numbers. From the sound rejection arrived from the Court of Auditors (which has spoken of a deficit of more than 51 million, the cost of the joints is health more than doubled, in general, of “a quality of service medium-low, not in line with the other regions of the north”) in the case of the genovese Paola Queirolo. Figure international reference for melanomas and skin cancers that after thirty years of research has left the San Martino (“another excellence that leaves a region became a land of conquest of Lombardy, attacked a few days ago, the regional directors of the Pd after the interview given to the Republic by the oncologist) for the Ieo of Milan.

“Demonstrations in as many — tries to explain the Patron — as the Italian system would provide real strategic, less fragmentation, I would say even less policy in hospitals”. Because, “if I am able to do so much good elsewhere, is also and above all thanks to the studio, the heart and the ability to go outside the box. Skills all Italian that good Italian doctors have a potential but that is lost, especially in large hospitals. Where for political games and hierarchical the motivated young people often do not have the same opportunity to become great”. © Reproduction reserved