The National appellate court has rejected this Wednesday the aspirations of the trade union of prostitution of OTHERS, to consider inadmissible that that activity is the subject of a contract of work is valid and has annulled its charter in what constitutes a strong blow to the pimping and one more step towards the abolition of an activity that exploits women.

The group was registered in the Ministry of Labour in August, which cost the post of the director general of Labour Conception of Easter, named by a Government openly abolitionist prostitution. In the uproar raged, the president Pedro Sánchez announced a law against the trafficking and sexual exploitation. The PSOE looks for the Swedish model, which considers the sex pay out a terrorist attack against the woman and punishes the client.

MORE INFORMATION The prosecutor warns that the union is “a way to legalize prostitution”

the constitution of The union, the source of intense controversy, he ended up in the courts. Now the justice has given the reason to two women’s associations that were demanding the annulment of its statutes, and the prosecutor, who argued that this grouping, of state character, is “a pathway to legalize prostitution”.

“it is Not acceptable that the scope of action of a trade union to understand activities that by their nature can not be the subject of a valid employment contract as is prostitution by others”, says the statement.

The ruling also explains that to accept it would be “totally contrary to the legal system” because it would give labour a contractual relationship based on something illegal; in addition, I will admit that the pandering (which the State has committed itself to eradicate) is a business-legal; you would accept also that the pimps have the right to form employers ‘ associations that negotiate working conditions and against which it could adopt collective labour dispute measures; and finally, the assumption is that OTHER and pimps and their associations could negotiate the conditions under which it should be developed the activity of the prostitutes.


Charo Luque, of the Platform March 8, Seville, plaintiff together with the Commission for the Investigation of Ill-Treatment of Women, considered yesterday a “historic day for the feminism in Spain”. “That the Audience has understood that there can exist a relationship work when what is at stake is the exploitation of women’s bodies, the speculation with him, sets a precedent so important, and makes us to see that this has not done more to start it.” Something that secunda Rosario Carracedo, of the Commission for the Investigation of Casino siteleri Ill-Treatment of Women: “And the abolitionists are not going to stop until I do not consider unlawful all that it has to do with the commodification of women’s bodies, not only prostitution, also pornography and the wombs for hire”.

The bug involves the lock of the union. “To override the statutes may not acquire legal personality whatsoever”, explains the professor of Labour Law and Social Security of the University of Seville, Jesús Cruz Villalón. “Therefore, cannot continue to operate as such; it is another thing to meet again (as it assures OTHERS that make the Saturday) to amend these statutes and to take the prostitution of their function scope, in which case it would be removed the illegality by annulling such statutes”. The statutes also submitted were used to measure the activity of pornography, lines or erotic entertainment. The professor further explains that “if you take the prostitution by others, but focus on the one that is by their own account could not constitute a trade union”, as the self-employed may not do so.


OTHER holds that there has been political pressure in the decision of the Hearing. Shall submit a cassation complaint to the Supreme, as stated by Shell Borrell: “we Had a few options as presented the demands, it was clear that the statute would be challenged. The Audience does what it needs to do, but we use”. Borrell added that they already had plans to amend the constitution at the first congress of the union, on the 24th of November.

In the view of the trial, the prosecutor Benito Ejido pointed out that OTHER was created “in fraud of law,” and said that, as a legal consequence would come to their dissolution remain empty of content and have to cancel the registration; a registration which the minister of Labour Magdalena Valerio recognized at the time as “a goal for the squad”.

The sentence explains that the procedure by which arrangements were made for the challenge of the statutes, it was not appropriate to ask for the dissolution of the union: “The claims of contesting the statutes of a trade union, and the dissolution of the same, are not susceptible of exercise together.”