Kid Cudi sees things big: a giant ephemeral statue of the American rapper was installed at Place de la Bourse, in the heart of Paris, Friday January 12, the day of the release of his new album Insano. This broadcast is scheduled for 5 p.m. Paris time, we learned from managers.

The statue, more than ten meters high, dark in color, depicts the artist in a half-messianic, half-demonic posture, palms facing the sky, head lowered. The eyes are lit red and the mouth has a lighting device tested during the night from Thursday to Friday for its installation. This work is placed at the exit of the Bourse metro station, in front of the Palais Brongniart. There are two other statues in the United States. One intended for New York and the other supposed to be placed in the surroundings of Los Angeles, in three different locations over the course of this weekend, according to the rapper’s networks.

The secret has been well kept, even if an American transport company posted a short video on its Instagram of the head being loaded into a vehicle in recent days, mentioning the artist by name. “I love Paris,” the singer just mentioned on his social networks. Kid Cudi celebrated the release of his album on stage Thursday night in front of his fans at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles.

Insano, an album of 21 tracks, is rich in collaborations with behemoths of the current scene such as A$AP Rocky, Travis Scott and Pharrell Williams. The older ones will hear a nod to The sign by Ace of Base, a hit from the 1990s, in the musical coating of the title Electrowavebaby. Kid Cudi, who will celebrate his 40th birthday at the end of January, cast doubt on the rest of his career on his networks recently. “I’m making one more album and then I’m done with my contract and I’m not sure what I’m going to do next,” he posted. The artist had announced on his networks the release of a book, presented as his memoirs, planned for 2024. A work that he promises “very honest”, which will talk about “sex, drugs, love, faith and melodies”.

Kid Cudi occupies a special place in rap, not hesitating to indulge in his depressive side from his first songs fifteen years ago. He likes to break the rules, like when he appeared on the set of Saturday Night Live in a floral dress. A reference to Kurt Cobain (leader of Nirvana, who committed suicide in 1994), who appeared dressed like this on the front page of The Face magazine to distill his anti-virilist messages.

Also read: Pushed during a concert by Kanye West fans, Kid Cudi leaves the stage

A fashion fan and regular at Paris Fashion Week, the American rapper is artistic director of the clothing brand Members of the Rage. The Levi’s muse also tasted the image by participating in the series We Are Who We Are, broadcast on HBO, and by developing the animated film Entergalactic for Netflix.