Obesity has a tremendous impact on the productivity of individuals and of society. Sometimes, weight loss involves surgery or long-term diet plans but at other times, it’s a matter of changing a few simple bad habits into good ones.


According to the World Health Organization, the rate of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 and seems set to rise even more. Obesity is killing more people than is hunger in most of the world. In 2016, 13% of the world’s adult population were obese.

Obesity has been linked to avcılar escort diabetes, some cancers, musculoskeletal disorders and cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. The WHO is sending the message that obesity is both preventable and curable. There’s no need to take chances with your health – this is not playing free codes at Fair Go. If people choose healthier foods and engage in regular physical activity, they can prevent and cure obesity.


As anyone who has ever struggled with losing weight can tell you, that’s all good and interesting. But the actual process of losing weight is complicated. Often, what works for Peter doesn’t work for Paul. In addition, each person has his or her own lifestyle and responsibilities that make it difficult to follow a set plan.

Budget is also a concern. Some weight loss plans require a significant outlay – to access the program’s guidelines, to purchase the recommended foods or supplements and to participate in group activities designed to support the individual long-term.

Some people require a complete program to lose weight successfully but others can effect change with some evidence-based weight loss tips.


Increase your water intake, especially before meals. Drinking water has been been proven to be a helpful aid in weight loss. It boosts metabolism by 24-30% over a period of one to one-and-a-half hours which helps to burn off more calories.

Studies have been done that show that drinking a half-liter of water about half an hour before meals leads to a reduced food intake and a weight loss of an additional 44%.


Start your day out with some eggs. When you eat eggs for breakfast, studies show, you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours and lose more weight and body fat than you would if you hadn’t eaten those eggs. If you don’t like eggs, try another low-fat protein alternative. But remember that eggs are zero points on the Weight Watchers program which means that eating them will leave you with fewer additional calories to lose.


  1. is full of antioxidants and has a lot of health benefits. According to studies, caffeine in coffee boosts metabolism and burns fat. The problem with coffee is, generally, the cream and sugar that people add to it. So reduce those added goodies and enjoy your drink.

Green Tea

Green tea is another fat-burning drink. The catechins — antioxidants — in green tea combine with the green tea’s caffeine to burn fat. When the weather is hot you can add a green tea bag to a small amount of hot water to let the tea steep and then add ice cubes for a refreshing (and fat-burning) cup of iced tea.


Glucomannan is a fiber that has been linked to weight loss. The supplement contains fiber that absorbs water so you feel fuller and eat fewer calories. This doesn’t seem to lead to massive amounts of weight loss but is just something that you can do to give yourself a little boost.


Not more, less. Eating foods with added sugar is one of the fastest ways to add calories and weight. Don’t forget the high-fructose corn syrup which is as bad as sugar. Both are linked to an increased risk of obesity and higher rates of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Read the labels on the foods that you buy. Even so-called “health foods” can be loaded with sugar.

Refined Carbohydrates

Like sugar, refined carbs can spike blood sugar rapidly which leads to cravings, hunger and increased food intake. Some dieters eliminate carbohydrates all together, which is controversial, but an alternative involves eating whole grain carbs which include their natural fiber. a few hours later. Eating refined carbs is strongly linked to obesity

Low-carb diets have been shown to help you lose two to three times as much weight as a standard low-fat diet. Critics point out that it’s hard to maintain such an eating plan and that, when the diet ends, the individual generally goes back to eating carbs at the regular rate and regains the weight that was lost.

Stock Up

Make sure that your house is well-stocked with healthy food. When you have healthy food in easy access you won’t get hungry and then eat fattening and unhealthy foods. Some options include whole fruits, cut up vegetables, hard boiled eggs and unsalted nuts.

A low-fat, high-fiber and filling option is legumes. You can add legumes to your salads or soups or just keep them on hand to munch on. They are high in fiber and protein and have zero fat. Boil up some garbanzo beans and add a little salt for a nutritious snack and you can pop in your mouth whenever you get hungry.

Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits contain few calories but a lot of fiber that can help fill you up. They also have a high water content that makes them a good choice for low energy density. People who fill up their diet with vegetables and fruits tend to weigh less.


Have you ever noticed that, if you have a bad night’s sleep, you are hungrier the next day? Poor sleep has been linked to over-eating and is a risk factor for obesity at a rate of 55% for adults and 89% for children.

Sometimes you can’t help it if you have a bad night’s sleep but be aware of the fall out and focus, the next day, on loading up with water, fruits and vegetables and other low-fat food alternatives.


Add low-fat protein to your diet to reduce hunger and lose weight. In addition to fish and chicken (without added fats and sugars), consider loading up on eggs, non-roasted nuts and legumes.

Slow Down

Give your food time to digest before continuing with the meal. Even if you’re very hungry, eat a bit and then wait….then eat some more and then wait. You’ll fill up faster and then eat less.

Diet experts say “chew slowly” which is basically the same thing but it’s harder to control your chewing while you’re in the middle of your meal. Therefore, try to portion out your meal in stages and wait between courses. Even better, drink some water in between the courses as you wait for the next course.


People drink a tremendous amount of their calories. Soft drinks, hot drinks, even natural juices can be loaded with sugars and fill you up with empty calories. Not only that, but studies show that sugar drinks (as well as drinks that contain sweeteners) cause you to feel hungrier within hours. Stick with water whenever possible. Or make yourself your own coffees and teas, including iced coffees and teas, so that you can keep an eye on the amount of sweeteners and milk that are added.


Studies show that people who cook their meals at home are better able to keep their weight in check. Not only do you save money but you can experiment with healthy ingredients and keep an eye on exactly what you’re eating. You won’t struggle with distracting entrees, sauces and dressings that are readily-available at restaurants. You can easily plan your meals and follow through.

Snack Smart

Snacking on unhealthy foods is one of the major causes of weight gain. Try to have healthy snacks available to you at all times — at home, at work, in your car, etc.


Shopping is one of the biggest traps for people who are trying to lose weight. It’s easy to pull things off the shelf because “you deserve a break” or “it’s a treat.” Make a list and stick to it.

Also, don’t shop when you’re hungry. Studies show that shoppers tend to reach for higher-calories and unhealthier foods when they’re hungry. Have a healthy snack or meal before you go shopping.

Fad Diets

People go for fad diets because they promote quick weight loss. However, such diets are restrictive and it’s not easy to maintain them. This leads to “yo-yo” dieting, where people lose weight quickly and then gain it back quickly. Not only are these dieters unable to maintain their weight loss but yo-yo dieting has been linked to an increase in body weight over time, an increase in risks of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and Metabolic syndrome.

It’s advisable to find a sustainable, healthy eating plan for long-term success.


If you look at your weight-loss efforts as a “diet,” you will likely be seeing the changes that you make as a temporary event. However, if you say to yourself “I’m going to start eating in a more healthy manner” you’ll be on the start to a new lifestyle that will allow you to sustain your weight loss once it’s achieved.