“A ödesstrid in the ports”
“the Strike is a failure”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“Hamnarbetarförbundet harbeskriver yesterday’s conflict as a warning. And because it is unlikely to get through their requirements, we can expect more blockades, strikes, and lockouts at the ports.”
“the Problem is that both parties have fully understood the argument. Hamnarbetarförbundet want – now – has a private nationwide collective agreements for their members. A requirement that any other tray would have asked.”
“the Thing is that there is no national agreement on the ports, between the employers’ association Swedish Ports and transport workers ‘ union. Tuesday offered the mediators Hamnarbetarförbundet the opportunity to write on a similar agreement.”
“the League will be a dinghy.”
“It would have been able to solve a lot of practical issues, such as the work environment, the right of trade union time, and the right to negotiate. But it would also have made Hamnarbetarförbundet to a kind of dingy after negotiations between employers and Transportation when it comes to fundamental issues such as salary and conditions of employment.”
“It is not difficult to understand if it is receiving.”
“On the other hand, it is not difficult to understand the Swedish Ports argument, even if the lockout may appear to be dramatic. The employers ‘ association does not want to have different agreements for the same work and the same workplace. Would the situation have been reversed, and the employers tried to obtain a menu of contracts to choose from, had the trade union movement vrålat blue murder.”
“Therefore, the Dockworkers hardly win.”
“Should be resolved a long time ago.”
“the Conflict in the Swedish ports should have been resolved already when it was limited to the container port in Gothenburg. Now, it was not so, and in the next week to the bodies consulted make their comments on the proposal for a new legislation on the right to industrial disputes as unions and employers, centrally agreed upon.”
“The new conflict in the ports, unfortunately, will only accelerate the implementation of the amendment. It can only be described as a failure of the Swedish labour market model.”