In tonight’s episode of ‘dinner at the’ invite the actor To Provide its guests Cath Danneskiold-Samsøe, Heino Hansen, and Laura Lindahl at dinner, and he tells openly about the breakup with dancer Mie Moltke, who he divorced from in the year 2015.

The two met each other during ‘dancing with the stars’ in 2007, where they danced together and was smaskforelskede. Together they had son, Mio, but though they several times tried, so kept their love.

According To Provide had he and Mie a peaceful divorce, but the breakup took a turn hard on their son.

– We had a really good break with two adults people. What made the difference was that she took his shit, and I took my shit. For we both had many shadows. She worked with her shadows, and I worked with my shadows. So we actually had a super good divorce, ” says the actor in the program and continues:

– It, which was super hard, was the Million, because no matter how wholesome, healthy and serene, we were, so was a little boy from. He was three years old, so he did not understand really the word divorce. There was a long period when he was sad and upset and inadvendt. I was snot confused and sad really with the heart in the throat, because Mie and I was very serene. There was no bickering, breach or trækkerier, says Lai Provide.

below you can see the Lai Provide tell about the divorce:

Section 22: Lai opens up about the divorce

According to Lai, Grant took the divorce so hard on the Million, that he began to develop a violent behavior.

– He didn’t talk feelings with me, even though I tried to talk with him about it. He had that much to beat me. Thus in the play. But he slapped me really hard, and it was so fine, and I loved when he gave me no beating, because I could just feel that he got it out, he says in the program.

To Provide have been previously married to Mie Moltke, as he mødter during ‘dancing with the stars’ 2007. Photo: Ekstra Bladet

After some time experienced To Provide, however, that there was a marked change in his son, and that he was happier.

Suddenly, one day jumped out of the bus with a big stick and said: ‘I’m a ninja-warrior’ with a completely different energy than I had seen for the last six years. He had simply shifted the energy, he tells in the program and continues:

– It was as if he slowly had set things in place. There was, of course, in any thing, but a divorce is taken into account, then there was a father here, who pulled the weather fair relieved when he landed with his two feet.

For Extra Magazine tells To Provide that today goes much better with Million, who have become accustomed to the fact that the mother and father are no longer together.

– It goes really well with my son today. As with all skilsmissebørn there is indeed a difficult period, but he found out that all was well, and that there did not happen something bad. But he had a quiet and introverted period, where we fit extra well on him. To see him countries, again, was really a relief, he says.

Lai Yde and her boyfriend Marieke Kouwenhoven, who became parents to a little boy in 2017. Photo: Jonas Olufson

today is To Provide lovers with Marieke Kouwenhoven, as he has got a son.

– I met the so Marieke, and it was the right thing. There was no discussion about it, so on the way is the country really well, he says.

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Good friends
According To Grant he and Mie Moltke still on really good terms today, though they are no longer lovers.

– It was a great divorce, because we were retired and had a good relationship, and Mie is currently one of my best friends. We still talk a lot together. In the periods we have been talking more after the divorce than we did when we were together, so it is nice, Lai said with a laugh and continues:

– We have always loved each other, but it just could not be us.

Lai Provide is, however, not much to tell more about how it goes with life as the father of a new small and her boyfriend Marieke Kouwenhoven.

– It is a completely new story. Let’s just stick to what I’m talking about in the program. Second, I will not go into, but we have it good, he says.

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