“Albin, 27 stabbed to death in their dorm room”

“the Mother Annika: It is a small piece of yourself that died.”

“Albin Grundemark would just finish their studies at Umeå university. But instead of the graduation party had his family arrange his funeral. “

“the Man who murdered him was paroled, even though he was judged as dangerous. “

“– It is the hardest thing I’ve done in my entire life, watching my lillebrors killer in the courtroom, ” says storasystern Moa. “

“Now hope the family that the assassination will lead to debate about how casually people released from prison. “

“Just a few weeks later he would take his master’s degree after five years of studies in Umeå. 27-year-old Albin Grundemark already had a job interview scheduled at Scania in his native region of Södertälje. Not far from the uppväxthemmet with paddocks and the sighing forest around the house, where we meet his family. “

“Hardly an environment to associate with the dark world of violence and fully independent churches which Albin fell victim to, that night in april about a year ago. “

“the Same afternoon spoke of his mother, Annika Berg with him on the phone. “

“– He said that he would not do anything special on Friday night, but sit and write on their paper. He had tired of studentkorridorsfesterna, ” she says. “

“First on Saturday morning began to his friends to worry. No one came forward on alan’s phone, something was not correct. His girlfriend, who lives in another city, called Annika, who in turn began to call around to the police and the hospital in Umeå. They had not received any Albin Grundemark. “

“–But as la the to: but we must not deceased. Then I was terrified. “

“the Family describes the difficult, the longest day of their lives: rumors, facebooktrådarna, the friend called and told me that alan’s corridor and room was blocked. Only in the evening knocked the police at the front door to give the relatives dödsbeskedet. “

“– You will be amazed that you can’t even get a patch in the hand where it says what to do. In the past I have thought that if it happened such a terrible thing, you would be contacted by the municipality, a team for example. But there is no one from there has heard of, except for crime victim support is a voluntary organisation, ” says Annika Berg. “

“the Time leading up to the trial is described as a fog. The police were reticent because of the confidentiality of preliminary investigation proceedings; the only thing they were told was the cause of death. To Albin förblödde. “

“His father Stefan describes a painful wait. “

“I feared as much, how long it lasted, how long he lived and knew that he would die? It ran long in my head. Now we know that it went quickly. “

“After a month finally they got to go to Umeå and take leave of the Albin laid in a white coffin. They was advised not to see him dead, because he was so badly damaged. “

“– You don’t understand that they are able to go through such things, but you do it. But it is a small piece of himself die also, says the mother, Annika. “

“Sat opposite the killer.”

“the Whole family chose to be with the over two weeks long trial in the fall. To finally get answers. The first day of the trial asked Annika the judge that they would not say ”the deceased”, but alan’s name. “

“– It was about our son and brother, we sat there. So that it not only would be the technicalities and autopsy reports, and the human disappears. For us, this was also a part of the processing, ” she says. “

“over against them, in several instances, including the 30-year-old killer. He was previously in the police records, and had, at the time of the murder just been paroled for a different crime. During the trial it emerged that he had been released despite the fact that fängelsepsykologer found that he has a empatistörning, can not control his aggressiveness, does not feel any remorse and has expressed that it is ”fun to hurt people who deserve it”.”

“Six weeks after his release went to 30-year-old, armed with a knife with red plastic handle, and together with two other young men to alan’s dorm room. Throughout the day, they had driven around in Umeå on the lookout for drugs. Somehow they got for Albin could provide them with cocaine. When he said no, pulled the 30-year-old forward with the knife. “

“In several instances, including the seemed the man obrydd. He said things like, ”Albin is dead, some dying, some alive,” says the family. “

“– It felt like I wanted to puke. It was not about to tell you a true story, but more – can you convince me? says father Stefan. “

“The 24-year-old man who also was in alan’s room, and then turned to the prosecutor’s shootout, told me that he was so shocked by all the blood that he just ran. The first day after he phoned the police, after checking with lawyers he could save his own skin, ” says alan’s family. “

“– It is strange that no Swedish law says that you have an obligation to intervene when a man is dying. It feels so very, very unethical, ” says little sister Matilda. “

“a Third person, an 18-year-old who has been in care according to Lvu, the Law on care of youth, since the age of 14, was charged with grossly protective of the criminal. He was suspected to have helped the killer to burn up the bloody shoes and clothes and hide the knife in a cottage in a recreation area. “

“the Suspect himself was murdered”

“the 18-year-old would really have been in the locked institution, but had escaped during the summer. Suddenly, he surfaced in the district court in Umeå and demanded to be in the courtroom. This led to the fact that he went completely free during the trial, and hung out with people who are previously pointed out to him. “

“Suddenly claimed witnesses that they have not remembered anything of what they said in the police investigation. “

“– the System is also out – man ”tjallar” not, ” says Moa. “

“the 18-year-old was acquitted and returned probably to his criminal life. This irony ended up not there: a few months later was murdered 18-year-old also, in what police believe was a knarkuppgörelse in criminal circles. “

“Wrote letters to GW Persson”

“When Annika heard about the assassination, she decided that there had to be enough. She wrote one – still unanswered – letter to Leif GW Persson, frustrated with the shortcomings in the judicial system as they’ve seen. She has worked with students at risk, and wish that it was lessons learned about what does not work. “

” Something wrong, we do in the community. If a young person is in the social services ‘ care from the age of 14, starting with shoplifting and eventually be murdered – and nowhere on the the way society has put her foot down and said stop. We have not been able to successfully help this person – you wonder how health care has seen, and how much money it has cost, to no avail? she says. “

“Now hope the family that they are with their story, raising the debate around the system of conditional release, and about the care of juvenile offenders. They want to highlight the problems they, themselves, so painfully forced to be aware of; how the gangs recruit in the residential worker-places where young criminals are really supposed to get help, how to release clearly dangerous people without trial. “

“”Albin thought plenty about all the” ”

“– It is for alan’s sake. He was a person who wanted to do good. So his life is not to be in vain, and this tragedy should not fall into oblivion, ” says his sister Moa. “

“the Family shows a framed photo of Albin in the sun, from a mountain holiday in Abisko. He was there together with a person with downs syndrome Albin has been the contact person for many years. The picture was taken on their last journey together, in the summer of 2017 ”

“– It is so much Albin. He had a huge appetite for life, ” says the mother, Annika. “

“Both friends and family describe him as a man with a heart of gold. Well-liked and missed by so many. Painful and at the same time fun to know that he meant so much, ” says the mother, Annika. “

“– He was blue-eyed, a bit naive and thought all people are good. Albin had never been in a fight in his entire life. In a way, one can say that it was his death. “

“the Facts of the Murder of Albin”