Is in full eruption, he confesses, is a low-neck sweater swan and shows me her chest devoured by a rash of hives that itch just to look at them. You have left early in the morning, sure, because last night lucy its legendary clavicles to the air with a blouse boat neckline on The Mound, where he went to sell it, forgiveness, promote, their first 11 new songs in 11 years. It continues today in the headquarters of their record company, where a procession of journalists we expect time to interview her. The most it could be your children —and mine— and apply in to ask for their record of political-artistic, and the current and crazed state of things. A, half by solidarity generational, half out of laziness, decides to pull down the street out of the way.

What’s new, old?

As a new job and new energies. That’s why I’m meal alive. Somatizo the bug. Says John, Joan Manuel Serrat, that we are sensitive material. Work with the emotions, with that which is within, and look at how I’ve set up.

Because you are the living picture of the woman strong and secure.

Facade. I know that I’m not, what happens is that life, and I’ve lived a lot, has put me in situations where I’ve had to be. When you’re young, you’re very courageous of pure unconsciousness. But I am naturally fearful, insecure, to me it costs me a lot of all, nothing gets me out easy. I am butting myself because I know where I’m going, but I don’t.

When gives the bajona, strip file to come up?

No, I think you have been wrong to choose me, not I serve, that in what time I said yes. Until one day, suddenly, you see a aciertito, a slit, you’re going tirarando of the thread and, when you see the way, sales to five inches away from the ground.

Tad ciclotímica…

Thanks to life

Pilar Cuesta (Madrid, 1951), Ana Belén to the TWENTIETH century and the TWENTY-first, sing the new notes after 11 years pulling repertoire. ‘Life’, their album, is a cocktail of candy sound of Drexler, Rozalén, Sabina and, of course, Victor Manuel, made to the measure of his privileged throat.

a Lot of. To days, within the day, I can feel the queen of fried chicken and a trapera in the deepest pit. Over the years I have learned to deal a little bit with it and I’m pulling. My friend, Jesus of the Well, when he had a great success saying, ‘Ana, we have been cheated again’. Happens to me the same thing.

Their songs, being new, talk about opening walls and give thanks to the life, as they were years ago. What is revisits itself?

Yes, a little. Who doesn’t revisit their classics? Are the topics in which I have to admit, that I have been making as I am now. Yes, in the end we’re always singing the same song. Change the pace, the language, but always singing the same thing.

There are 60.573 Ana Belen in Spain. What fault have you?

Some, because Ana Belén I got my producers, and before it was not a common name. I have funny stories. A friend of the theatre, Victor, I confessed that it was called Victor Manuel, and his sister, Ana Belén, who already has crime. So yes, many Ana Cribs are affected mine.

For how you have secured your alabadísimo skeleton?

For nothing, that’s silly. But yes, I have said as much. Once, a ámigo photographer, talking about gravity and how we are going to fall all the time, I said: “you have good bones and you’re going to endure. Well, I don’t know, girl, but this is what there is.

Girl, lady,… how do you think one in the same to 67 years old?

As what I am: a woman. It is true that the Aresbet 70’s from now are not those of before. But I go out walking every day, and I see many women my age great, they care for, healthy. The more young people are at, we walk, but we are on the same track.

Pat: my younger colleagues will have breado to political questions and must be fed up of getting wet.

Haha. I understand you have curiosity, and we are at a time in which there are defined. But, with the age that I have, and now that you have my past at the flick of a mouse, many of my answers are obvious. I don’t care to get wet. I don’t keep quiet when you couldn’t talk, I’m not going to shut up now. But then, yes I feel impostor. I am not a political scientist. I do not represent a profession, nor a generation, nor anyone else than myself, and gives me a lot of embarrassment.

made to be modern, you was more than many of them.

I don’t know. We had to go through things very strong, and we take to the street, therefore, I think that yes I have been modern. And also it seems to me that some sectors of young people are going backwards, in the machismo, in the couple relationship. and that pisses me off a lot. And I say more: we have done something wrong my generation for this to happen.

Tell me what to buy on Black Friday.

Nothing. I have clothes to spend the rest of my life making tweaks. And in the end you are always with the black sweater and the jeans that you feel good and with which you feel comfortable.

I say that because with 50 years of career, and the same type, your wardrobe will be an abyss.

I have costumes wonderful, prototypes that Jesus made on my body, and then customized. They are authentic treasures, not only for its beauty, but because of the emotion I conveyed my friend.

And will continue to be fitting, of course.

No. Or yes. But not anymore. There are things that you know you can’t continue even if you fit. And for that, it is best to look in the mirror and take out the defects. There is No one like you to that. And if not, my friends and I are sworn under oath to give us a slap if we are a day doing the ridiculous. Not to mention my daughter who is the judge supreme.

Will act alone, without the cloak of Victor emmanuel or of their friends. Do you have concerns about not knowing how many people will be on the other side?

a Lot of. I depend on others, depend on if you like, if I get to the public, and that neither buys nor sells. I know that I am not a newbie, I have a tour, but oysters, when you see a theater empty, or an auditorium empty , fill up, come, it will still be there, I interesaré. As you have gone with another.

do I Have jealousy?

If I am not whole,…but, what if I whole? I prefer not to think about it.