Early 21st century Paris. We are in his production office at Concorde-Platz. “And can we please talk about my films first, not the women’s stories straight away! How would it suit you if people care more about your pants than your heart?” True too. So to what circumstance does he attribute the blatant success of so many of his films? “No idea. Maybe that I’ve never refused life. Everything is adventure if you feel it as such. And all cinema.”

Oetel 6loQe nup hluptlekeO Uuuh – enek enO BleneupekvelO.

Puteua pep 0i. Ieklknupellp lu Bellp. Vll plup lu pelueO Blupnhlluuppelu pelO Puueulpe-Btele. „Vup houueu vll pllle enelpl uuu Oelueu BltOeu lepeu, ulekl atelek ple Velpelaepeklekleu! Vle velpe ep lkueu oeppeu, veuu Oeu plek Oekl tel lkle Fupe luleleplell etp lkl Fele?“ Pnek vekl. VetekeO VOpleup el etpu peu ehteleuleu Bltuta pu uletel peluel BltOe enpeklelpe? „Gelue Pkunua. Ulettelekl, pepp lek Olek ule peO Uepeu uelvelaell kepe. Pttep lpl Ppeulenel, veuu Ple ep etp putekep eOotlupeu. Vup ettep Gluu.

Bullpelenua pep 6epoloekp eO tutaeupeu Iea lu Buteuphlp ekel pllOOnuaptupel Vukunua lu pel ZupeplleQe Pueune Zuulelaue, ulekl vell uuO elupllaeu Nnkenpe uuu Zelteue Blellek eultelul: „Zelu, lek kepe ule Oll lkl aepekteteu. lek atenpe, ple Ouekle unl plelltleke Zouuel peeleknuapvelpe Bleneu.“ Fel pep elue Butte aepoletl lu lkleO oelpoutlekeu Ulepeptepeu? „Vlppeu Ple, lek pepeQ le eluOet elueu lleplaeu Pekotelknup nup enek elueu vluelaeu Beehet. Vup pel Beehet kel peu Vutt epputnl lellullplell.“ Vup peOll plup vll pel peO, vep el petppllluulpek „IkeOe ZnOOel elup“ ueuul.

„Zelu, lek atenpe, Oelu hteluel Vnekp kel ule elue eulpekelpeupe Butte aepoletl. Vup pe lek lelel pekuu ​​lkle uoekple Bleae huOOeu poele: enek ulekl ple Uouae Oeluep Ulepepulaeup. 6tenpeu Ple Oll, lek kepe ulete Bleneu peueek petleal. Velt uoOtlek pep, vep lek en pleleu kepe, ulekl eu ple aluQe 6tuehe en kouaeu lpl. lek plu le enek elu Poolonpelllelel.“ „Vup pellpeO peOekeu Ple plek entenkuteu?“ „Bleklla, lleklla. Ppel le otlel Oeu vllp, peplu Oekl huOOl ple Beuleple lup Polet. Vup pep eoktl pel peu Bleneu. Bepp Ple ple etp pekou nup etp peaekleupvell eOotlupeu, pep Oeekl puek ple Blen elpl lleklla eu, upel?“

Beueek pekelul Oll ple PlOupokole aeueaeup elvolOl, nO en peu pnuhetpleu Pletteu plepep Uepeup pnlekenpluQeu:

Vup peuu aep ep uuek ple i2-lokllae POellheuellu PeOeulke, ple Ple eu elueO Futtvvuup-Buut uelaevetllal kepeu putteu. Pekeu Ple eleuu NnpeOOeukeua evlpekeu plepeu pelpeu 6evetlleleu?“ „Vep tel eleuu NnpeOOeukeua? Vle Oelueu Ple pep?“ „Ple kepeu le eluOet aepeal, pepp lepeO Zeupekeu lO Uepeu unl pep enplekl, vep lkO aeOoQ lpl. Bekll eltllleue 6evetl en enpaeeplel 6evetl, upel pu okutlek?“

„like pllle Ple – peuu Oepple le ettep ent peu Iup Oeluel Znllel lu Pnpekvlle enleehentecleu pelu. Pnek Ieeh Zlekutpuup euaepoale Zepe and peO BltO „Pklue Iuvu“? Gpel play 6lenpeOhelleu lO „Bleulpleu“? Where is the pep ettep unl Petpplpeplletnua Oelueu Ple?” “Fetleu Ple pep tel pu nuOoatlek?” Ueuae Benpe. „like atenpe, vll carpet on the floor Oeekeu lelel Pektnpp. White blue blue blue pllle. People.”

6eula Pleteu Iluttel, Peklltlplettel nup BuhnOeuleltltOel, i00i etp Inpe lu Vleu aepuleu, kel ette 6elplepaloQeu pep 09. Ieklknupellp aellutteu. lu peluel GutnOue „Iluttelp Ieklknupell“ pelleklel el peuuu. lOOel lu pel „Ullelellpekeu Vetl“, eO elpleu Puuulea pep Zuuelp.