you go up like mushrooms in the glistening sun. Soon the last of the antennas, and satellite dishes are on the Swiss roofs disappear. Your time is over, from this summer, the SRG will supply the antennas. Anyone who watches TV, does the digital today. And, increasingly, by Streaming directly over the Internet, via a Browser or App. But how and what Switzerland is streaming?

The provider Zattoo (in which Tamedia is involved) has provided us with his data. The TV streaming service has in Germany a market share of 57 percent, is the market leader. In addition, we have evaluated a representative survey by the market research Institute GFK Switzerland.

Streaming TV is booming, Zattoo recorded annual abozuwachs rates of 40 to 50 percent. The largest age segment of the 20 – Year-olds to 29. On the other hand, use of the over-50-year-old Swiss women and 41 percent of the Swiss, not even Youtube. Close to the assumption that the new, growing streaming world is radically different from the old TV world, because more of the young users is characterized. Especially since SRF 1 has a high average age of 60 years. (In the meantime, set children’s programme “Zambo”, which was intended for 8 – to 12-Year-old watched an average 53-Year-old.)

But it is not that simple. A first look in the Zattoo-statistics shows that there is a technological break does not necessarily signify a cultural Revolution: The most streamed Swiss-German broadcast called “Tagesschau”. So those information programme, in place since the 1950s as a media bonfire of direct democracy. Their speakers were some of the familiar as a good friend.

A shipment but also the meaning behind asks in a time, in the alternative News channels and social media to bloom and proliferate. The Zattoo Figures show that the reputation of the “Tagesschau” is also in the young and the Younger intact that you of the consignment, trust in-depth Information.

“Meteo” is a more SRF information programme. Otherwise, it shows how deep the series of consumption in our everyday lives. Series of the first or second Generation of unabated popular. “Big Bang Theory” (2007), “Navy CIS” (2003 -) and “the Simpsons” (since 1989) are among the ten most-streamed shows. The consignment which is to be looked added to Zattoo most of the time, “Good times, bad times”. Those Soap that is for 27 years by the German Flirt.

in addition to TV streaming services like Zattoo, the Swiss are making increasing use of the payer’s Video-streaming service Netflix, whose refined series are often celebrated as a continuation of the novel by other means. 13 percent of the Swiss are to watch Netflix. The TV consumption is, meanwhile, remained according to the Federal office for statistics constant: In the German part of Switzerland is seen in section, a day still two hours away. The Netflix consumer is added to the previous screen time.

the evaluation of The Zattoo-statistics of the cantons shows that, in Zurich, Aargau and Lucerne, the shipments of the category of “series” on the longest stream. In Bern In the category “documentaries” the most popular, in Basel-Stadt “Information”. The category of “Movies” is in Switzerland by far those in which the Stream is aborted fastest. It’s a clear indication that the series developers today is far better than the film-makers, to establish their stories in the hibbeligen environment of social media and Whatsapp messages.

Like any data set, the Zattoo-statistics raises some questions. About, which is why the category of “Kids” in new castle and Freiburg, the most popular. The latter provide their children with cartoons quietly? Or: Why is the Appenzell-Innerrhödler stream, of all places, the longest – 182 minutes per Session? (In Zurich, a Stream takes an average of only 45, in Bern, and Basel, 51 minutes.) Is it the lack of cultural Alternatives, the snow-covered house, the quieter the mind, the Appenzeller? Or are you just addicted? And what does it say about the local flavor, when the most popular Film is on Zattoo, “Spectre”, the Blockbuster with Daniel Craig in the role of a chavvy James Bond?

First the antenna was exchanged for the cable, now the cable is cut. “Cord Cut” is called this phenomenon: viewers abandon TV services via cable and Provider and refer to your TV via Zattoo, Wilmaa, Teleboy, and others. This is only for a fast Internet connection of money. At most a amount of time, let’s see later or to Store the consignments. In the U.S. alone last year, have cut an estimated additional eight million users this cable.

the main reason for the increasing prevalence of services like Zattoo, the rise of Internet-enabled televisions, and the width of the cover by means of glass fiber cables, which have speeded up the Internet connections are solid. To streaming devices like Apple TV or Google Chromecast, which can bring content from your mobile phone or PC on the TV screens – even if the TV channel has not developed Smart-TV-compatible App.

Meanwhile, every third American is watching TV and just Stream. In Switzerland, according to the market researchers at Kantar’s TNS, so far, only eight percent of the stream only. But also in the us, this proportion is expected to rise significantly. The research referred to young TV watchers as “Cord Nevers” – consumers who have paid for the connection cable, respectively, a supplier such as Swisscom or UPC.

Whether and how fast the Swiss cut the cable, depends on the user-friendliness of the smart TV. And convenience: “The Swiss are rather conservative and not just the provider. As long as you do not hold, retain a lot of what you have”, says Ralf Beyeler, followed with a comparison service, the changes and market adjustments to the Telecom industry for years.

Many of the large broadcasters have accepted the “Cord Cut” and your offer, in the meantime, for Smart TV, Apple TV, or Android TV is open. Including BBC and CNN, but also the ARD and ZDF. Not-so-SRF: the App is only available for phone and Tablet. Gert von Manteuffel, head of the SRF-to-digital Department, says you can connect the phone with the TV. This is actually possible, but requires a certain amount of technical Know-how and the use of devices or cables. In contrast to the major TV stations in other countries, the SRF wants to Use the “Cord-Nevers” not with a Smart TV-compatible App: “but It is also always a cost-to-come-question. Up to now, we have used our resources for the development of the other offers.”

Interestingly enough, there are already third party Apps, such as, for example, Telecast, ratings: SRF-bring content to the Smart TV, says Ralf Beyeler. If this is creating a private person, then it should also create the SRF, said the expert.

(editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.02.2019, 17:50 PM