the Debate on Ekstra koncertanmeldeler Thomas music video musikskriblerier and choice of words is hardly passed anyone’s nose over. Nor Jesper Binzer, who for almost 40 years, has seen the critic from several angles, as the figurehead in the D-A-D.

– I like Thomas Treo, but he refers to women in a old fashioned way. You need to realize in there (Extra Magazine, red.), and it must Poul Madsen also says Binzer prior to the concert that he gives on Friday evening. A concert, you can see absolutely free.

– Each time I say it here, I will be stoned for it, but the Treo is always right in his reviews.

Anyway, there is a fly in the glass.

– Lydmor have to turn right in that it is often for easy points. Who needs a kick upwards and not downwards, which makes itself felt in many of life’s facets, says Binzer.

The Danish artist Lydmors criticism was, in particular, that she thought that the Treo was sexist in his reviews, when there was talk about female musicians.

Recently the Treo, set the D-A-D under the microscope resulted in four stars, and here, it was actually the audience, as Extra Magazine’s reviewer corrected the most of its criticism against the.

’the Virtues is also old, but D-A-D suffer anything under that their fans become so far advanced in years, that they are not real powers other than to stand and stand. Or sit,’ came the words after the concert in århus Ceres Arena last year.

– I like Thomas Treo, says Jesper Binzer. Photo: Aleksander Klug

There is talk about a genuine world premieres, when Jesper Binzer on Friday evening presents its new she was ‘Premonition’ to the live concert on

the Number has deep roots in the mind, and it is in fact about to shed his doubt and uncertainty away.

– An artist’s life is irrational. Working on one number, and it is the second that will be a hit.

– You may never find out if you do it right, and you focus all the time on the benefit of the doubt, says Binzer Extra Magazine ahead of Friday’s concert, which can be seen on

with the benefit of the doubt comes at the same time, a for some unpleasant, others humorous, turmoil.

– Before you come over to security, where you say, that’s now to do it just’, so there is a lot of turmoil and simmering. I have written a song about, he says.

He hopes that it is a song, as people who, for example, even standing in front of a large choice or performance, you can relate to.

‘Oh fuck, in the morning I keep talking’, you think. In fact, it is about being able to see the future and be a bit overklog.

– You need to get away from reality and get into the soul and see it all from above, he says, with the message that it is all enough to go.

Celebrity Jesper Binzer: – Substances have always been present