One of my strongest memories from the aftermaths of the terror attack on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm in the spring of 2017, from Sergels torg square. The minnesaltare of the flowers that the locals created on the site grew to a spontaneous tillkommet temple. Everyone who was there, I think, could feel a special presence. Of what? Perhaps the best that is within man: the calm, the compassion, the ability to live in the suffering of others.

Read more: Moskéskjutningarna in New Zealand

On Friday, was shot at least 49 people outside two mosques in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The suspected offender to describe their deeds as a revenge for the terrorattentatet on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm for almost two years ago. More and more details emerge about the motivation behind the deed, but they do not change the fact: 49 people are dead, murdered for the sole reason that they were muslims. The toxic högerextremismens ability to suck nourishment from the surrounding society’s quiet acceptance has once again proved lethal. The U.S. president comments on the deed by referring to an article on a racist website. The hatred against muslims is discharged to end in violence and death.

Flowers outside the Wellington Masjid mosque in Kilbirnie in Wellington after the shootings at two mosques on 15 march. Photo: Marty Melville

It is the surrounding society’s quiet acceptance has once again proved lethal. The hatred against muslims is discharged to end in violence and death.

the mass murder in New Zealand was filled once again Sergels torg – this forum is for both the celebration and mourning of humanity. This time as the starting point for thousands of skolstrejkande young people, who had gathered in an existential cry for their future. The sky lay gray, as a cover over the soul. And at the same time: the young people’s carefree presence in the city – everything from the well-behaved girls who got their food first hours of invalid absence the wobbly killgängen in the hoodies and the increase in mobile phones. All of the participants were not full-fledged klimataktivister, but they were tied together by the timeless glimpse of the eyes that occurs among young people who do something they really do not get. But also of understanding and hope. It was a ödessvart irony that the church in Christchurch in New Zealand took place at the same time as a hundred of the city’s schoolchildren, a bit from there, participated in one of the strongest common manifestations that man has accomplished.

the terrorist attack against the muslims was what the world least needed right now. Klimatmanifestationerna is what the most need.

Sergels torg and the world this day, when the two existential threats to humanity once again met at the same place. Eventually it also began inexorably to rain. But the lid after the soul is lifted and disappeared. In the thousands we walked on, once again reminded that humans carry within them the possibility of their own annihilation and their own salvation. What we can do is to choose the right.