“Brandhjälp on the way – now comes the rain”
“the Fight against forest fires have been unusually intense in april. But the assistance from the atmosphere is on the way. A week falls the rain in the whole of Sweden.”
“In april, so far 1 563 alarm about the fires in the terrain come in to SOS Alarm. Last year it was 612 during the same month. But after several dry weeks, it has now the long-awaited rain started to move in over the country.”
“– There was a lot of rain in the western Region over the weekend and now it looks like that the major part of Sweden will get rain at some time during the week, ” says Moa Hallberg, a meteorologist at SMHI.”
“The most abundant precipitation is expected in northern Sweden. There can also be snow, mainly Wednesday and Thursday. The low, moving then to the south-east and also in the Stockholm area, there may come a easily by of snow the night on Friday and Saturday.”
“– It will be much colder in the entire country. The maximum we will split into ten degrees in the middle of the day in the south of Sweden.”
” It is really quite a lot of rain is needed now. Rainfall is becoming, unfortunately, a little less for the Bigger part, ” says Moa Hallberg.”