“(C) lacks the hard hands to save the climate”

“Reply from MP about the EU and environmental policies”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. Federley has both the right and incredibly wrong. An effective climate change policy requires a lot of really “heavy-handed climate ambition”, and this will require large investments, not least from the business community. But to call us ”tillväxtfientliga” is verklighetsfrånvänt. “

“on the Contrary, we go to the options to strengthen firms’ competitiveness by transforming the economy so that companies that take responsibility for the future, which produce and develop climate-resilient, also be rewarded for it. “

“Today’s economy is rigged for the system failure. Emissions of greenhouse gases, which slowly but surely destroys for the future of the business, pays. “

“For example, is the flight tax-exempted and may, in addition, generous subsidies, while the train is both taxed and punishable by track access charges. Individuals pay for their emissions while the big industries get discount on allowances. “

“But there is a policy proposal which, like no other can make a difference for Swedish industry and business, at the same time that it provides the best conditions for coming generations of entrepreneurs. “

“It is a compelling utsläppsbudget in the whole of the EU. That is to say, a legally binding maximum level for how high the emissions each country can have, per year. It is possible the green Party for the election to the completion.”

“A utsläppsbudget will strengthen the countries such as Sweden, where companies have taken the responsibility, invested in the green technology and has already begun the transition.”

“Countries, however, ignore the climate, which continues as usual without regard to the climate crisis the world finds itself in, will be punished and fall behind in the competition. A compelling utsläppsbudget strengthens Swedish competitiveness and stimulate the development of new, modern jobs in a sustainable economy. “

“Please Federley failed when he was responsible for negotiating the EU’s emissions trading scheme. The proposal, which he negotiated was far too weak, klimatexperterna said that his proposal was not compatible with the emission reductions required. “

“Therefore, forced to the Green party, Isabella Lövin, go to Brussels and to tighten up the proposal significantly in the council of ministers. Now, thanks to the green Party, will the EU’s annual emissions reduced by the equivalent of 50 times the country’s emissions.”

“the green Party has shown time and again that the civil parties consider the ”impossible politics” is fully possible, and that what they call ”tillväxtfientligt” rather than stimulates, strengthens and modernises our economy.”

“the environmental movement set its score: In the measurement after the measurement, it is the red-green parties, with the Greens in the top that are ranked the highest when it comes to to drive ambitious climate action in the EU – not with the Centre. “

“Just as Federley writes, it requires heavy-handed climate ambition to meet the climate challenge. These do, unfortunately, the Centre party, but it does not we.”

“nAlice Bah Kuhnke, the top candidate in the EUROPEAN elections for the green Party the grönanPär Holmgren, the top candidate (MP)nJakop Dalunde, the EU parliament (MP)”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here – ”