Atypical, huge, and organized.

How to denote specialanklager Maria Cingari the historic case on vat and tax fraud, which on Wednesday commenced by a Court in Glostrup.

Domsmandssagen should really have run in the Copenhagen city Court, but has been moved due to lack of space.

the 16 men and three companies indicted – the latter as autonomous legal entities – in the case, where the indictment occupies 71 pages.

Herein, it is apparent that the defendants, according to the police, have printed false invoices for 532 million. crowns, whereby the state has lost 296 million. dollars in tax and vat.

Four of the accused persons, all men and mostly have foreign-sounding names, according to the prosecution acted so roughly, that the ordinary maximum sentence for gross fraud on the eight years are not enough.

It must be up to 12 years in prison.

During the investigation, the case was dubbed ‘Operation Greed’ (in Danish ‘Operation Avarice’, red.), and according to the police took the defendants out of a method where you created companies with stråmandsdirektører.

the Companies issued as invoices to businesses for the supply of labor and goods, which channeled the money for this out for themselves through the exchange bureaus without include tax and without reporting the vat.

the Prosecution believes that the defendants are part of a criminal network, which has been engaged in so-called chain fraud. Several of the defendants are in family with each other.

More than 40 addresses were searched, and 32 properties were seized, since the operation was launched in October last year. 11 persons were then remanded in custody.

Five of them are still behind bars, a judge decided last month that they can not yet be set at liberty out of consideration for the investigations. Therefore, they must remain in custody until the start of proceedings.

Ten of the 16 defendants have navneforbud. The press has asked to have them cancelled due to the gravity and the public interest.

the Case is scheduled for 77 days in court. Ekstra Bladet has been previously described, that the case only in lawyers ‘ fees are going to cost the state and thus taxpayers 22 million. crowns.

the expected judgment in January 2020.

Charge: How was the fraud

5664 fake invoices are issued in a network of in respect to companies with the front men as owners and directors. Stråmændene had no idea that they featured in the companies ‘ management.

the Money is earned on the undeclared work within the demolition, cleaning and transportation, but the companies have not accounted for tax, vat and the am-contribution.

the Money is washed white through several small exchange bureaus and raised cash.

The 71-page indictment describes, for example, how a 61-year-old owner of a few bureaux de change shall be considered as responsible for the exchange of button 352 million dkk. from January 2015 to February 2017.

The 44-year-old proprietor of a real estate company and his company are alleged to have made five properties available for fraud so that fraud companies and their fictitious owners and directors got the addresses of the properties.

the Police struck against the network in October 2017, and 40 addresses were searched and 32 properties were seized.

Five of the 16 defendants are still in custody and The high Court must decide soon whether they can be released while the trial is running. The prosecution believes they must sit behind bars until the verdict, which the first is expected in January 2020.

the Three prosecutors are put on the case, which reaches approximately 60,000 pages of documents.

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